I'm sorry

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Olivia  woke up before her arm clock like always  and she noticed that elliot never came back last night.she looked at the clock and it said 6: 45 .

"I'm gonna get ready  for work."

So she got dressed  and she went to the bathroom she walked to the mirror and saw Elliot s hand print on the side of her cheek  she just  sighed and got her make up and covered it up and then went to work

~at the precinct~

Liv  walked in and she saw someone she didn't expect

"Elliot. .."


" What are you doing here this early ?"

"Liv I know you whenever your sad or mad you come to work really early

Liv looked on his desk and noticed  the bouquet of roses

"Why do you have roses ?"

Elliot grabbed them off his desk and gave them to her

"Liv I'm so sorry for what I did to you last night ... I never should have reacted that way and I'm sorry... please tell me I didn't bruise you " he said that last part in a whisper

" uhhh  you did actually but don't worry it not a big deal.   Look el.."

Elliot cut her off

"yes it is its a huge deal liv I hurt you  and I promise my self I wouldn't do anything to hurt you and I broke my promise ... I'm an ass hole .

" Elliot your  not an ass hole  your just .... Protective that's all ... look  I don't care that you hit me okay, I just care that your okay  I thought after you left you went to go do something stupid that involves hurting your self... I'm just glad your okay."

Liv looked in his eyes and kissed him very passionately  and she pulled away and said

" I forgive you ."

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