3 day's off

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Olivia was pissed because they had to let him go, but she had to do what she was told so she let him go .

Olivia was at the precinct all night trying to figure out how to get this guy but she just couldn't figure it out .

Creagan walked in and saw Liv at her desk  he said

"Liv what are you still doing here ?"

"Working my ass of to find evidence ."

"Go home Olivia , its 6:30 am . Gets some sleep."

"Alright,  see ya in a few hours."

" No you won't. "

Olivia turned around looking confused and asked

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I am giving you  3 days off ."

"What? Why?

"Olivia you've been here  what, 2 days already ,go home olivia."

"Is that an order  captain?"

"Are you going to dissagree that you need  3 days off?"

"If its not an order the I am coming back in a few."

"Then yes its an order."

Olivia let out a sigh and said

"Fine, I'll see you in 3 days." Liv said as she walked into the elevators

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