Running late!!!

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Liv looked down and said

"Oh El, your so sweet."

while looking down Liv looked at Elliot's rist watch  it was 1:30 am

"Oh shit !!" she screamed  "It's 1:30 am!"

Elliot  said

"Yeah why, what's wrong?"

"Cragen only gave me a few hours off !" Liv said in a panicked voice

"Oh my god 5 missed calls!"

"Liv , Liv, Liv calm down  okay  I- I'll drive you to the  precinct alright ."

"Thanks El , your a life saver."Oliva gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran to her bed room . After a couple of minutes Liv is ready to go

5 minutes later..

They arrive at the precinct . Olivia rushed out and into the precinct , before she could  Elliot grabbed her arm and said

"When will I see you again?"

Liv was about to answer but she heard her name comming from the precinct

"LIV !!GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!!  Cragen screamed

Liv looked at Elliot and said

"Iam sorry."

Liv closed the door and said

"Iam coming  capt!"

Elliot thought to him self

"No Iam letting Liv take the consequences for this."

Elliot got out of the car and  yelled


Cragen and Olivia turned around

(shocked look coming from  Cragen)

"Elliot." said Cragen

"Look capt, don't blame Liv for this , she tried to leave but I keep asking her to stay. So please don't punish Liv for my mistake. "

Cragen  looked at Olivia and said

"Get inside  and get Fin to fill you in on the rest of case."

Liv did what she was told and went inside

Elliot looked at Cragen said

"Iam sorry capt-."  Cragen cut  him off and said

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again. "

"Yes captain" El said

Cragen looked at Elliot and told him

"It was great seeing you again Elliot."

"You to Captain"

Cragen went inside and Elliot drove off

How my love for stabler got started♥Where stories live. Discover now