happiness comes to an end

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after that night Liv went to bed elliot just stayed up and just thought about what happened .

The Next Morning

Liv woke up before her Alarm clock and thought to her

Damn it! I have to work !

Elliot woke up and saw  Liv getting dressed and said "Hey  what are you doing did I do something wrong? 

Liv smiled

"No you didn't  I'm  just getting ready for work."

"already, but Liv  it was our time "

Liv laughed  and walked to him

"babe. " you already had your time. 3 days worth  , I would love to be with you again but I can't. "

Liv looked at the clock and it said 8:45 

Liv looked at El  with a sad face

"I am gonna be late for work."

Elliot finally let her go and said

"okay, okay  fine I'll see at work."

"okay, see you."

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