Authors note Sorry its not an updte

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Hey guys it's Casey ... I know it's been ages since I updated ... And I wanted to ask your guys for help for this chapter and i want your ideas about what should happen and how should things go down  soo... If you have ideas then I WOULD LOVE LOVE LOVE!! To hear them so please help me out its been awhile and if you have any ideas for my other books

1.Always want you can't have
2.Law and order svu summer romance
3.High school

PLEASE PLEASE!!!! Let me know
Comment down below or message me here

Ps. Sorry for taking for ever 😊☺️☺️ put I hope you can forgive me !!! I love you guys so much

Xoxo Casey

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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