The Date ♡♥♡

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"Well guy's Iam heading out. Fin,Cregan  walk me out ." Liv said

"Sure. " said Fin and creagan

"Hey Liv, where are you going ?" Fin asked

"Well  Iam going to meet an "old friend". Liv winked as she got into the her car.

"Hey, tell your "friend" we said "Hi." Fin said

Liv smiled and said  "I will."

Liv finally got home it was 7:30. Liv thought "shit! I only have 30 minutes

to get ready. Finally after 10 minutes  of hating outfits,  she finally she found the perfect one.It was a beautiful sold tourquoise dress with black lace on it  with black lace pumps.

Liv was about to call Elliot , when she reached for her phone , there was a knock on the door she looked in the peak hole . It was Elliot

"Hey Liv, you look beautiful." he  winked at her

Liv smiled " Thanks , so do you."

"Shall we go ?" he asked

"Yeah, of course. "

El drove Liv  to this amazing restaurant. It was expensive but Elliot thought she was worth the money.

A waiter gets them to a table and the started talking.

Liv smiled and asked "So , El its been a while, how have you been?"

"Where do I begin, umm I got a divorce from kathy , uhh she got custody of the kids and uhh that's pretty much it  really ."El said while laughing. "So how about you?" he asked Liv 

Liv laughed "Now where do I begin, umm I am the sergeant and I am thinking of hiring my friend Amanda. and Oh!  Fin and Cregan say "hi"and that's pretty much it  really. "Liv smiled.

"Wow. Iam gone for 3 years and your already the Sergeant. I really missed a lot ." he told her with a smile.

"yes, yes you have." Liv said while laughing

How my love for stabler got started♥Where stories live. Discover now