trouble's back

613 29 3

"ok what do we got?" liv asked

"a girl was raped and murdered ."

"got anything on our perp?"

"it's the same guy we let go." Fin said

"damn it ...I knew we shouldn't have let him go."

"Liv he's in the interrogation room and he said he won't talk to anyone but you."

"What why." Liv asked a little worried

" I don't know ."

Olivia gave out a sigh and started walking to the interrogation room where he was held Olivia stopped at the window of the interrogation room and just looked him

wondering why would he only talk to her

olivia gave out a sigh

"ok I'm ready ."

Liv turned up the volume in the interrogation room so everyone can hear then she walked inside and close the door

"I thought you weren't going to show up." he said

" Me..... no I always show up ."

"Did you miss me? " he asked

Liv laughed to her self and said

"yea....oh yea. I missed a filthy, disgusting, dirtbag of bitch ."

"I'm guessing you didn't miss me."

" Enough about me... w-what have you been doing?"

"Oh I've been busy ."

"yea. . doing what. "

"just hang out. "

" you did something else other wise you wouldn't be in here now would you?"

"Sgt. Benson where do you think was and what I was doing. "

"What I think? You don't even what to know what I'm thinking. "

"Try me." he said with an evil glare from him

"I think I should throw your sorry ass in jail because what think really happened was you got drunk and you stared flirting with the girls but the turned you down so you broke in to somebody's apartment and raped and brand them and you murdered them then when we're done you felt satisfied with your self so then you walked out of there like nothing ever happened. "

Olivia stared walking while he was talking and Liv couldn't help herself anymore she stared screaming "You sick bastard." Then she'd stared hitting him over and over and over. Finally Cragen came in and pulled her away and stared saying


Creagen pulled her out the interrogation room and said

"What the hell was that."

"captain, that sick son of bitch should rot in jail."

"Yes.... and I should suspended for a week after what you done to him. Liv go take a break it's your lunch hour anyway."

Liv sighed and said

"Fine." she said without putting up a fight

she grabbed her stuff and started walking out when she head towards the elevators she bummed into elliot

"I'm sorry sir it wa..... Hey El."

"Hey babe you ready ?"

"Ready for what?"

" remember I was supposed to come pick up during your lunch hour."

"Oh, right sorry I forgot. "

"That's alright, come on let's go."

"okay." Olivia whispered

Elliot and Olivia walked out and left

(At the restaurant)

"Liv are you okay? You seem a little off."

"I'm Fine El really I'm fine."

"You don't look fine" Eliot said

"Elliot I'm fine now can drop this conversation please and talk about something else? "

An hour later they walk back to the precinct and elliot drops her off

"Thanks for the lunch el."
"No problem see you at home."
"Hopefully. " Liv said

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