Saying I love you

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Later on that morning olivia woke up  and she checked her phone  and she  saw a text message from Elliot and it said  

"Hey Liv , I was  wondering if your not doing anything  later you'd like to go out again ? how about  picnic in the park then a romantic walk through Central Park at sunset?

Liv smiled to her self  and texted back

"Hey El, I would love that. Meet me at my apartment round 7:30.

In seconds  a message  poped up and said

"Great see you tonight."

Olivia smiled again she couldn't believe this she falling for a perfect man who always treated her right and who was gentle man to her.  she just couldn't wait until tonight she need to see him now  so she texted him and asked

"Hey El, sorry to bother you again I was wondering mabye if you'd liked to get coffee with me and  mabye we could you know hang out ?


(Elliot's p.o.v)

Elliot was just sitting at his desk at his new job in banking 

All Elliot could think about olivia and how much he wanted to be with her and loved her.

He got a text from Liv  that says

"Hey El, sorry to bother you again  I  was wonder mabye if you'd  like to get coffee with me and mabye hang out."

Elliot smiled to him self because he loved when they were together  to him it feels so.....perfect 

its like he was falling in love all over again.

so he texted her back saying

"Hey Liv , you weren't bothering me and I would love to meet with you for coffe,  I'll pick you in 10 minutes 

♥ ☆ ♥ ☆♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥

(Olivia's p.o.v)

Olivia was on her couch  reading a book called  "50 shades of grey" when she got a text from Elliot , its said

that he would love get coffe in he'll pick her up in 10 mins  Liv was so excited she squealed like a 7th grader would and ran to her room and stared going to her good/best /casual/amazing  fiting clothes in her closet  .

she found a cute jeans with rinstones in the back  and they were pre-riped jeans and she found a cute v-neck striped shirt that was black and pink  and she wore her favorite lether jacket to finish off the look and she wore her favorite black boots.

Olivia was about to call Elliot, when she reached for her phone there was a knock at the door she walked to the door  and looked in the peak hole it was Elliot she opened the door and Elliot was standing there with  bouquet of purple daisy and yellow  lilies and roses

Olivia smiled and

"El you didn't have to get me  flower." she while grabbing them

" I wanted to,because I love you."he said in a soft gentle voice

"Aww, Elliot you're so sweet." Liv smiled "come in " she said walking towards the kitchen

Elliot closed the door behind him and  followed her to the kitchen

Liv put the flowers in a vase and turned round to face El.

Liv smiled at him and said

"why are you staring at me?"

Elliot didn't say any thing he just walked up to her and kissed very passionatly Liv kissed him back  until oxygen became a problem so they pulled a part 

"wow." Liv said

"Liv I know this is too soon but I love you." he told her honestly

Liv froze for a second 

"Liv ? "El said  "I am sorry if I rushed into anything"

Olivia smiled  and " No, you didn't ."

Liv kissed him again until they both need oxygen,

Liv pulled away breathless and said


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