introducing trouble

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Liv   walked into the precinct and Fin said

"Hey, Liv where  have you been?" He said playfully

"Shut up Fin iam not in the mood alright." Liv snapped

"Ok uhh  , so this guy William Lewis    we tried to  ID him but we cant do that. " Rollins said

"Why not , did you print him?" Liv asked

"we cant do that because he burt all of his fingers .

"Did he tell you why?"

"Yeah and I dont believe him for a second. " Rollins said as she walked to the intragation Window  "He's all yours Liv and Nick" Amanda said

Liv and Nick walked in and stared intragation William Lweis

"So what happened to your fingers?"

"oh kitchen accident."

"how did that happen?" Liv asked

"I was handling a  hot pan with no gloves on."

Amoro was about to say something  but there was a knock on the door

Liv and Amoro walked out  and Liv said

"That sick son of a bitch is lying to us ."

Cragen  said

"well we dont know that for sure but till  we found out the truth let him go."

"What!! Captain you can't be serious " Liv snapped

"Iam serious alright , we have nothing to hold him on so do as I say and let him go."

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