Liv's special surprise

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Olivia came to work  and saw that there was a new desk there in front of hers  and she saw  Nick at a different desk and walked to him and said

"Nick what's going on?"

"Oh, no one told you?"

"Told me what?"

Before he could answer  Cragen called her into his office.  Liv walked into his office  and closed the door and and she said

"What's going on?"

"Your getting a new partner. "


"Liv relax your gonna like this partner. "

"What makes you think that I will?"

"Trust me ."

Olivia sighed and walked out of his office and stopped at the door and said

"I'm trusting you"

Olivia saw the clock and noticed it  was  12:30 so she told everyone that she was going on her lunch break and every one said 

"Bye Liv." 

----- 30 minutes later---------

when Liv walked in the precinct she saw someone at the new desk .

"Elliot? " she whispered

Elliot looked her and got up  and when he got up she ran to him and jumped into his arms and he picked her up   twirled her around and when he put her down he kissed her . Liv was shocked and said

"What are you doing here? "

"Remember that special surprise I told you about this morning."


"Well, surprise. "

"I love you"

"I love you too

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