Part 12 The Union

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TW: Uhm .. Lots of segs stuff up ahead !! Warning ! Warning !!


Chapter 12

The Union

The dawn after the dinner party, the boys met in the field of catkins as promised .

The sun was rising later and later every day . On that dry and cold , wintry dawn , the boys sat huddled together and murmured quietly . They smiled at each other as they touched each other's faces as if discovering something new .

Shyly and  awkwardly , they held hands , still too new at this . They were uncertain about how to negotiate this distance between being friends and lovers .

Here in their nook , they planned their future , deciding to study medicine together .

Duke said , ' You could join me next year . I'll have to start college in a few months . Do you think you can manage ? The syllabus is huge . '

' Of course I can manage . Don't worry about it . I'll be there with you within a year , just wait and see . ' Piku answered while playing with Duke's fingers as he lay on his lap .

' I have a dream , Piku . ' Duke said awkwardly, making Piku look up .

' I want to open a hospital here in Adityanarayanpur . I want to serve our people for free . We can practice medicine here , make our little village known far and wide as the centre of health and wellbeing . '

Piku sat up . With a small smile he said , ' sounds wonderful . Leaving aside the free part . Medicines cost money . Equipment costs money . People cost money , Shona !! You can't serve them for free !'

' Ok , maybe we'll charge them something basic to cover the cost . Maybe the zamindari could finance it . Anyway , that's not the point . My point is THAT's my dream . A hospital here for our people . What do you think ?' Duke asked looking at Piku seriously .

Piku looked back and smiled .

He said , 'are you asking me to join you ? As your partner ? Or as your employee ? I can't be your partner , I'm penniless . It'll have to be as an employee .'

' As my partner and my employee then . We can build a house next to the hospital and live there . People from far and wide will come to us for treatment ..... ' Duke went on dreamily .

' Hmmmm . Again , money ! Where will the money come from ? ' Piku asked smiling mischievously .

' Ooof Pikuuuuu ! ' Duke wailed , ' I'll ask Baba's friends to donate , ok ? All the zamindars of our neighborhood . Their people will benefit too . So they should contribute . '

Piku snorted , ' Your Baba's friends !! We're doomed then !! They have no money left after their parties . We'll sink even before starting . '

' Fine , I'll get a government grant . So ? If I manage to get the funds , (which I will !!) , will you join me ? ' Duke asked poking Piku's chest .

Piku caught Duke's hand and pulled it close , ' of course !! Where else will I go ? I'll go wherever you are ! But with your plans we'll barely survive . Just feed me ok ? I don't wanna starve to death .'

Duke smile and kissed Piku's forehead .

' Promise ? I promise , I won't not let you starve . Do you promise to be my partner ? '

Piku smiled and said , ' that sounds wonderful . I promise to be your partner .' He took Duke's hand and vigorously shook it with both of his .

They looked at each other and grinned .

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