Part 45 Final Fusion

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Final Fusion

The day for Duke to depart arrived all too soon .

He was packed and ready to leave .

His mouth refused to turn up in a smile . His heart was aching . He was full of fear and apprehension . He had to make this extremely lengthy journey alone, leaving behind all the people he loved .

Mr Crane was supposed to receive him in Croydon .

Asharani stood waiting , watching her son . He was bustling about , organizing his table , going over his papers,  over and over again . It was obvious how much he hated leaving .

' Come here , Duke shona .' she called him to herself .

' Do you think I want you to go ? I don't want to send you away from me either .' she caressed his face and looked at him closely , as if memorizing every feature on this beloved face .

' I want both of you to be near me . Where I can take care of you . Nurture you and watch you as you grow . But I've realized that the best thing I can do for the two of you is to send you away from here . I don't think this country will ever be ready for your situation . If you live here , I will forever be scared of what harm people like Shyama might cause you and Piku .' 

Asharani talked while stroking Duke's back .

'Please Duke, don't make it too obvious. The world is not ready for your love . Who knows if it'll ever be? Please don't make your mother worry any more than I already do . I promise that I'll arrange everything here but you have to promise me to be pragmatic . Don't do foolhardy things . Promise me that you'll be careful .'

Duke nodded , his voice was choking with tears . He was quite unable to speak .

' I'm sorry Ma . I'm such a terrible son . Please forgive me for being such a waste .' he said through his choked throat.

' Don't say that Duke . I've never thought of you that way . You have always made me proud of you . I'm your mother . You're my flesh and blood . You are a part of me . I can never, ever think badly of you . Don't think like that , please Duke .' Asharani cried out , holding Duke's face .

Duke's face flooded with tears . He dragged in a ragged breath and said,

'Please forgive me Ma, for being such a disappointing first son . I wish I could be different , I wish I wasn't like this . Life would have been so much easier then . I wouldn't have to hide , I wouldn't have to live forever in shame . I wish I was normal .' His voice broke .

'Enough ! Chup koro ! Avishekhnarayan ! You are normal . Stop this . Don't break your mother's heart like this . Now you are disappointing me . I thought you are strong . I thought you are full of conviction about your feelings . Are you breaking down at the very first challenge ? Here I am, risking everything by going against your father to support you two . At least stand firm in your feelings so that I feel justified in my actions . Where does it leave Piku if you feel doubtful now ?'

Duke shook his head . He said , ' Ma , that's the only thing I'm sure about . My feelings for Piku are unchangeable . I don't feel guilty about them . I feel no shame for my love for him . I'm proud of him .'

'Byas , that's all you need to think about . Forget about everything else , Babu .'

She pulled Duke to herself and hugged him tightly .

Her heart felt trapped in a vice like grip . Regret , worries and anxiety for her beautiful first born were driving her half mad . She repeatedly made him promise that he'll be careful . She had this dreadful feeling that she was bidding her child goodbye for-ever .

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