Part 37 Firestorm

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The four parents sat outside , talking .

Adhiraj said looking at Bhattacharjee moshai , 'I tried speaking with Madan . He's not uttering a single word . I spent three hours in the police station yesterday and again today . He's just not opening his mouth . He needs to be interrogated properly . I thought that he'd speak to me . I still can't fathom who could have induced him to do this . He tried to kill his own student !! He's taught the boys since they were children . None of this makes any sense  .'

Bhattacharjee moshai breathed a sigh of relief .

Madan answered to no one other than the zamindar himself . Everyone knew that . The only person who could have commanded this and have Madan follow it blindly was Adhiraj himself . And here he was claiming to be completely in the dark about it . The grain of doubt in Bhattacharjee moshai's heart died down .

But Asharani's doubts still remained . She knew her husband . Knew how ruthless he could be when he wanted to be .

She wondered exactly how angry the knowledge of Duke and Piku's relationship made Adhiraj . She stared at her husband , searching in his eyes for some grains of guilt , but couldn't detect anything . They were flat , expressionless .

Piku's parents went back inside and Adhiraj and Asharani decided to head back to Adipur .

The grueling journey back and forth , the lack of sleep and the deep anxiety had all been too much for Asharani . She slept through most of the journey .

As they neared the village , she awoke with a start . She turned to Adhiraj and said , ' stop the car . Let's walk up to our old temple . I haven't prayed there in a long while .'

They trudged forward and entered the threshold of the ancient ruin . There , she turned to face her husband .

' Please , I beg of you , tell me what you've done . Please , please tell me the truth .' She said wringing her hands together .

' I didn't do this , believe me ! I didn't mean for this to happen .' Adhiraj replied .

' What do you mean by that ?' Asharani asked as she stared up at her husband .

' I , I just wanted to strike fear into the boy's heart . Chhokra had to be taught his place . How dared he touch my son ?' Adhiraj growled as he stared at the ruin behind Asharani .

Asharani let out a wail of anguish . ' So you really did send Madan to him ?'

' Ugh .. What am I telling you ? Aren't you listening ? I sent him to frighten him , not to kill him . I would never do that . I'm eternally grateful to Amarda . I respect him immensely . He's more like an elder brother to me than my employee . You know that !' Adhiraj said tersely .

' Hmp , but you still sent Madan to hurt his son !' Asharani said , her eyes dripping scorn .

' Ooof, just to scare him into silence . I just wanted to keep him at bay until I could send Duke to England . That's all !' Adhiraj shouted back .

' How am I supposed to face them now ? How will I ever face these people ? They are like our family . Now, just look at what you've done !' Asharani said as tears gathered in her eyes .

' Are you deaf ? Can't you hear me saying that I didn't do it ? Get it through your thick skull . I am not responsible for this . Your son did this . By sleeping with a boy . How dare they ? Now I wish that I did send Madan . If you keep prodding me,  I'll kill them with my bare hands . Just you see .' Adhiraj ground out and pointed at his wife's face .

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