Part 39 Back together

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                                                                   Back Together

Duke reached Calcutta that afternoon and went straight to the hospital . There he stood looking down at Piku .

Piku was asleep, so Duke got the chance to absorb the worst of his shock at the sight that lay before him. His mother's descriptions didn't prepare him at all to the full extent of Piku's injuries .

He started breathing rapidly , almost panting , feeling as if his heart will explode . He turned and stood near the window and tried to compose himself . Tried desperately not to cry but his face twisted up , it was not possible to hold this in .

This was his fault .

His fault that Piku lay here battered . His fault entirely . If he'd not had the showdown with his father , none of this would have happened . It was his fault that Piku nearly died .

His bitter self recriminations gave him no room for salvation . He deserved punishment for being the cause of this. He stood there flagellating himself as tears flowed unheeded down his cheeks .

He felt a hand on his shoulder . With a start he turned around .

Uma stood next to him . She stroked his back and tried to comfort him . He hugged her and started weeping aloud . Uma patted and stroked his back and shushed him and gradually he quietened down .

Piku slept on .

Uma gestured him to come outside .

'He was in too much pain last night and couldn't sleep . So the doctor gave him something to help him . When did you arrive ? '

Duke fisted his palm over his chest to ease the vice like grip he felt on his heart .

he said ,' This wouldn't have happened if we were together . I'm so sorry Jethima . It's all my fault .'

Uma hugged him fiercely and said,'No it's not . It's Madan's fault . Don't you ever say that again . I'll beat you if you do .'

Duke started crying again .

'And stop crying . You are a grown up now . Grown up men don't cry .' Saying this , she firmly wiped his face with her saree .

' Go . Sit with him . He'll be so happy to see you when he wakes up . But don't let him talk . His voice is hoarse now and he needs to rest it . He's doing fine though . The biggest problems are his legs .'

Duke cleared his tear filled throat and spoke up . 'Jethima , who's his doctor ? May I meet him ?'

'Oh, the main surgeon is Mr Simon Chadwick . Go talk to the nurses . They'll ask for an appointment .'

Duke set off to find out from the horse's mouth the real extent of the damage .

He was asked to wait outside his chamber . The doc was on his rounds . Duke sat and waited .

Eventually he was called in .

' Yes , tell me what do you want to know .' the doc said wasting no time .

'Sir I'm in  4th year, the patient's friend and roommate . Can you please tell me in details about his injuries ?' Duke asked after formally introducing himself .

Thus Mr Chadwick found himself giving detailed descriptions of the injuries Piku had sustained , yet again . The extent of damage caused to him had Duke's mind reeling . But the Doc's calm clinical description of what was done to repair the damages helped him immensely . He was finally able to breathe . He was able to see some light at the end of this tunnel .

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