Part 20 The Journey Back

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                                                  Chapter 20 The Journey Back

They woke up after 10 the next morning and groggily got ready to head back home .

Duke remembered to make a mess in Piku's unused bed , making it look slept in .

They went into the dining room and found a vast continental breakfast awaiting them . Not particularly hungry , they  asked them to pack a lunch to eat on the way .

They dropped off the hired tuxes and went back to Hall and Anderson . They wanted to buy presents for their siblings .

Laden with imported chocolates , soaps and creams , they made their way to the women's accessories department .

While Duke got busy choosing little pots of rouge , perfumes and silk scarves for Lily and his mom , Piku stood watching .

He blurted out , ' I feel terrible for Didi . She's not allowed any color on her person .' The ache in his heart was evident as Duke looked up at him .

' Even Ma doesn't wear colorful clothes so as not to hurt her . This is so unfair .' Piku growled .

A pretty sterling silver charm bracelet caught their eyes .

' This is very pretty !' remarked Duke and smiled up at Piku . Piku smiled back .

It had cute little charms hanging off it's chain of the Eiffel tower , a tiny sombrero and others and looking at it Piku immediately remembered his sister .

'Didi loves reading about Europe . Remember how I smuggled out a French magazine from your library ? Baba would have been livid if he saw it . I hid it under her pillow and she was ecstatic !' They grinned at each other .

' Do you know , Didi is fascinated by the Eiffel tower . She asked me to sketch a copy of it for her once .' Piku added .

Duke asked , ' so , did you sketch it ?'

' Yes , of course . She's hidden it in her cupboard and looks at it from time to time .'

Duke said , ' I suppose she wants to travel to Europe and see the real thing .'

This elicited a sigh from Piku . The impossibility of his sister's dreams made his heartache grow.

He decided to buy the bracelet for her . Then , they made their way to the books and toys section . They picked up story books , toy soldiers and beautiful wooden model trains for the boys .

Thus , laden with gifts for the young ones , they loaded the car and made their way to Flury's again .

Here , Piku let loose . This was one rule his father had broken about his widowed daughter . She didn't eat the pure vegetarian punishment food widows were expected to eat .

His daughter was too young and precious to make such a profound sacrifice . In this , at least , both her parents were in complete agreement .

They packed rum balls , Christmas cakes , baba pastry and cube pastries of all kinds .

Now fully laden with box after box of gifts and sweets , they started their journey back home .

The journey back was bitter sweet . They held hands and cuddled under the blanket .

Harilal was busy negotiating the potholed roads and Lalloo the witty songster was thankfully asleep .

Reaching at last , a little tired , Piku made his way home . His heart felt heavy as he wondered when he'd get to spend such a glorious time with Duke again .

'I'll see you at our place tomorrow .' he said rather wistfully to Duke .

Duke smiled back , mirroring his expression . Their nook had lost a lot of it's sheen now .

For the first time , for 24 precious hours , they had been together , properly together and nothing could compensate for that feeling anymore .

Riku and Tiku fell upon their presents with delighted shrieks . 'Thank you Dada ,' they screamed as they hugged him with all their might .

The family ate the pastries along with some coffee , a rare treat . The parents complained nonstop that everything was too sweet but they did not give up on their share .

Later that evening , he quietly went inside Rajani's room and left the bracelet under her pillow with a short note .

'Didi , I  thought that I must get this for you.

I hope you like it ,

Love ,

Pikai .'

Rajani was delighted with her gift , but her delight was short lived .

She wore it the next day and at lunch when she was serving rice to her father , Bhattacharjee moshai took a good look at the thin chain dangling from her wrist .

He didn't say a word . He didn't need to . His pointed look was enough for his sensitive daughter .

She quietly went into her room and slipped it off her wrist .

She pushed it back under her pillow and sat at the edge of her bed .

For a brief moment , her control slipped and her eyes flooded with tears . Only for a brief moment , she allowed herself to be overwhelmed with self pity . She sat  weeping helplessly , wondering at what heinous crimes she must have committed in her past life to warrant this misery in her present existence . 

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