A deals a deal

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     Kai was pulled down by the minions, they gave the impression of fighting him, but really they were throwing their hands and feet away from Kai. The minions obviously knew about the deal.

Kai could hear Nya screaming his name, then Lloyd shouting something inaudible. Kai felt awful for leaving his sister behind, but only if she could understand.

Then, the sound of the motors roared, and the bounty took off. The sound became lower, and lower until it was no more. Once the sound was out of ear range, the minions got off of Kai.

Kai got up off of his knees, and started the walk to the temple. The minions surrounded him, following him as he approached the temple.

Once he made it out of the forest, he began to walk on the earth steps Cole had made earlier. Kai hadn't realized until now how much destruction Cole's element truly causes. Kai wonders how much damage his element does to the city each attack that happens. That's probably why he uses his earth punch more often.

Kai walked back into the cell, and then walked out through the open door. The many minions followed in persuit.

Outside the open door was the anonymous ninja again. Their arms were folded behind their back, making them look wise. Their blue eyes focused themselves on Kai attentively. Kai stoped infront of them, and they began to speak.

"Here are the rules provided by Valgurous." They began. "Number one, you must not use your element unless ordered by Valgurous. But, you may use your element for your own amusement inside temple walls only."

The ninja's voice was slightly muffled within their mask, and yet, Kai could've sworn he'd heard that voice before.

"Number two, you must participate in team bonding activities and missions." Kai cut the ninja off.

"A team?" Kai thought allowed.

The ninja cleared their throat then continued.

"Number three, you will not make contact with anymone you have a emotional connection with outside these walls." The ninja seemed to lose their strong wielded voice on that line.

Was the ninja held here by Valgurous too? That's a thought Kai needed to think about.

The ninja then put a hand to Kai's ear, taking his earpiece out. Kai didn't fight it, but he had hoped that they wouldn't notice and allow him to keep it in. They then put it on the ground, and crushed it with their foot.

"Now, follow me." They said in a much more soothing and light voice.

Kai followed, walking through the halls again. It was just a creepy and dark as it was before. He wasn't restrained this time, but felt as though he was. That earpiece was the only chance he had at contacting his friends, now how would he get out. That was the point, we won't get out.

They stopped infront of a door. It was beige like the rest of temple, and it had weird markings carved on it. It was the same markings at the door that brought him into this mess. He realized, this was the only door, besides the large one, he's seen since he's arrived. This peaked his interest.

The ninja opened the door, and the two walked in. The room was rather dark, hard to make out anything really. There was a soft glow coming from a TV screen, and a couch. It looked as though someone was sitting on the couch, but Kai didn't say anything to them just yet.

The door closed, and it made Kai jump a little. The ninja then put their hand on the light switch, then flicked it on.

Now Kai had a better look at his surroundings. There was a TV, and a couch as he suspected. There was a ottoman in between them. There was a kitchen to the right of him, complete with a fridge, a four person table, and a counter. To the left, there was modern door, and Kai had no idea where it went to.

Kai heard a rustlement of fabric, and looked at the ninja. The ninja's mask was off, to reveal long  red hair, and blue eyes. There was a blue streak in her hair to match her sapphire eyes, and she had very faint freckles doted on her face. The ninja also had a scar on the left side of her lip.

"Seleil?!" Kai gasped in surprise.

"Oh! You remember me?" The red heads eyes grew wide.

"Of course! How could I forget the phantom ninja?" Kai replied.

Seleil laughed a little at her old name.

"But, what are you doing working for Valgurous?" Kai rubbed his neck a little.

"Same reason as you." A voice came from the couch. "We were manipulated." It was Chamile. Her purple hair was slightly faded, and there were many new scars on her face.

"Chamile? Tox and Carlof said you were a villain now?" Kai scratched his scalp.

"That's really what they said?" Chamile said, offended. "Little do they know I'm doing this all for them."

Kai was shocked at her response. Chamile seemed to have changed a lot since their last encounter all those years ago.

"So, this is our team?" Kai crossed hair arms, and shifted his weight so that it rested on his right leg.

Chamile and Seleil looked at each other, as if to say something no one else wanted to.

"There is someone else." Seleil looked at Kai. "Jay."

Choice-Ninjago PlasmaWhere stories live. Discover now