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Jay was being held by a girl with blonde hair, smothered in her arms. Jay had no idea what was going on, but he giggled. Jay had no idea who this women was, but it seemed like she was important to him. 

"Fast forward." A voice came from beyond the distant memory.

Jay's head began spinning, and everything turned into a blur. Faster and faster his thoughts spun, sneaking in little pieces of dialogue from past memories. Then, the spinning ended.

"Ha is that all you got?" Jay called angrily on the battle feild.

Jay had been awaiting this moment for a long time. Not over Nya, Jay respected her descion. But it's Cole that he's held a grudge against. Why betray him and try and claim Nya as his own over some machine? Jay thought their friendship meant more to him than that. Then again, Cole hasn't talked about Nya since the fight strated, which made Jay wonder if Cole didn't have any feelings for Nya at all.

"Least valuable ninja!" Jay continued.

"Eat dirt bluebell!" Cole yelled back, throwing some dirt combined with stones at Jay's face.

Jay landed on his back, the air sucked away from his lungs. He gasped, regaining some air. He then sat up looking at Cole, distorted.

"What are we doing? I don't want you out. You're not my enemy, Chen is!" Cole pointed at the ringmaster that fulled their fight, Chen. Who was eating popcorn and giggling at their frutless fighting.

"Sure. Wait for me to let guard down by pretending to be my friend, then swoop in to steal the prize." Jay got up. "Typical Cole manoeuvre!" Jay let the lightning crackle in his hands, sizzling as it hit the dirt floor of the battle feild.

"Fast forward." The booming voice came again, interrupting the memory that Jay held so dear.

The blur and the headache came back full force. A buzzing came on it the background and he tried to hold his head, but his hands wouldn't respond.

A dragon was standing before him, he knew Unagm1 was angry, but not to a point where he would destroy all of Ninjago. But, Jay understood. Jay had to stall Unagam1 until Milton, Pixal and Wu got upstairs.

"You're angry I get it!" Jay yelled. "You were abandoned by your maker!"

Unagam1 roared in Jay's face, he made his mood worse.

"But I was abandoned by my parents too! I'm just like you." Jay held out his hand.

Jay expected a roar, or a fight to break out. But when he realized Unagam1 had gone silent, he realized this was his chance to get through to him.

"I never understood why, and I never got the change to even ask." Jay sighed, although he was sad he had to push through and continue. "But I've always thought there was a good reason. What if there is a reason?"

There was a quick pixelated flash, and Unagam1 turned back into himself. He rushed before Jay, looking him directly in the eyes.

"What reason?" Unagam1 said angrily.

"I don't-" Jay was stuttering now, he couldn't keep this up forever. "I don't know but-"

Things cut to black. He was drifting, floating it felt like. His eyes opened abruptly, and his breath seemed to escape him. He was in a green bubbly liquid. He swam up, and threw a hand over the surface of the water.

Quickly, someone grabbed it. It was a firm and strong grip, maybe it was Cole? God Jay hoped it was Cole.

Then, his other hand raised above the surface. Another hand grabbed it.

He was pulled out of the water. His knees buckled under him, and he fell to the ground. Jay's head was pounding, and he held it coughing. He was thrown a towel, and he draped it over himself. He felt his soaking wet and tattered suit covering him.

When his eyes adjusted, he found he was in some sort of metal cave type place. Ninja's dressed in black surrounded the pit, and beeps and typing noises came from behind him. He assumed it was a computer. Jay fought to say something, anything, but his vocal cords didn't respond.

He heard the sound a shoes stepping on metal approach him, and he turned to face the noise. It was Valgurous. He was wearing the very same suit that Jay remembered.

Jay didn't remember many faces, but he did remember the face of the one who killed him.

"Hello, Jay Gordon." Valgurous said, more joyfully than prior.

He took a seat next to Jay, and Jay quickly looked away.

"How are you doing? I know being reborn must  be hard on you." Valgurous slurred.

Jay said nothing, and gaped at Valgurous curiously. His vocal cords were not responsive.

"Ah your vocal cords are weak I see. Not to worry, they will return in time."

Jay furrowed his eyebrows and looked away down at the pool.

"I hadn't meant to kill you." Valgurous whispered. "You had to be reborn, your old body was frail. You understand, right Jay?"

Jay did not look up at him, he didn't understand his motives, but he couldn't look up at the face of the one who killed him.

"Jay?" Valgurous called to him.

Jay looked up, his eyes glazed over.

"Kai is here." Valgurous furrowed his eyebrows, and smiled.

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