Chapter Five-Part Two

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Winnie woke for the second time in a rather hazy manner. She definitely needed to catch up on her sleep, but was certain that now with Jesse and Isaac in the same city, that sleep wouldn't be so easy to come by as he had days prior.

The sunlight streaming from the terrace into the suite, made her smile softly to herself. It appeared to be a beautiful day inCharlotte,North Carolina. She glanced to the right side of the bed and expected to see a sleeping Isaac, instead there lay a carefully written letter a top his pillow.

Good morning Love,

I didn't want to wake you. You sleep so peacefully. I went to rent us a car for the rest of our stay. I should be back shortly.

It was so like Isaac to do something so incredibly simple, without the insincerity of a modern text message. Of course, he would want to them to have their own means of transportation, without having to rely on anyone...including Jesse.

The entrance door to the sitting room opened and Winnie jumped from her bed. She hadn't expected to see Isaac so soon, but instead was met by a lethargic Eliza.

Eliza hadn't realized Winnie's presence, so when she turned to head toward her side of the suite she yelped involuntarily.

"Win, don't do that!" She stood wide-eyed holding her chest.

"I didn't scare you, did I?" Winnie asked humorously folding her arms.

Eliza responded by rolling her eyes.

"How was the lake?"

"It was fine." Eliza stated vaguely. She stalked toward her side of the suite and began peeling away her clothes from the night before. Unhappy with the answer she was given, Winnie cautiously followed behind her.

"Is that all you have to say?"

"Where is my brother? He left me like a billion messages," Eliza asked changing the subject. She was down to her undergarments and proceeded to her attached bathroom.

"He's getting a car rental. He also canceled his own reservation here. Apparently, he wants to room with us...and you're changing the subject, Liza."

"Win, could I just have a minute?" Eliza was a bit agitated, "I just walked in. Don't I look like I slept outside?"

Winnie huffed and watched Eliza pull her short hair back away from her face.

"Now, who's being snippy? Eliza, Isaac was really worried about you. I tried to get him to back off as best I could, but I mean...he takes parenting to a whole new level."

Eliza stared at Winnie calmly through the bathroom mirror, "Why don't you just ask what you really want to ask, if I slept with Miles?"

Winnie shook her had roughly, "It's none of my business and I don't really want to know."

"I wanted to. In fact, we were about to. He's hot...I'm just made perfect sense." Sarcasm spits from her mouth.

Winnie looked remorseful, "What happened?"

Eliza shook her head and leaned against the sink, "That man has got some serious skeletons in his closet...Ugh! We were having a good time, actually. He asked me a lot about school and back home..."

"And?" Winnie pressed with raised eyebrows.

"He offered to show me some places. We ended up at the lake. It was late, and the mood felt good...a normal guy would have...." Eliza's voice trailed off suggestively, "...anyway, we get all wrapped up into it...we were kissing and then...he just loses it."

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