Chapter 7

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Winnie gathered her bearings and took a labored breath as she cracked the door for Jesse to enter. He hurriedly slid inside and softly pushed the door closed behind him.

No words were spoken as Jesse's eyes raked over her. She silently wondered if her night shorts and matching tank were too much for this particular encounter. Her hair had dried from her evening shower and fell in soft waves over her shoulders.

"You're beautiful,"

She laughed nervously, "I wasn't prepared for you to say that. Thank you."

"I'm sure you are told often."

"So, what did you have planned tonight?" She asked cautiously, changing the subject.

Jesse sauntered over to her massive bed, "My original plan?"

Winnie folded her arms protectively over herself. She wasn't afraid of Jesse in the slightest, but she was unsure of his intentions.

"Are you uncomfortable, Winnie?" His tone was now serious.

"I've been uncomfortable all day," she began uneasily, "Since day one, actually. When you found me and Isaac in the woods, then at dinner that night with the news of our engagement, it's all been uncomfortable. And that...kiss earlier. I feel horrible about it."

"I feel horrible that you feel horrible about it." He whispered reaching for her hands.

"I want you to be completely comfortable around before. I knew that it would only complicate things."

"That's just it though, Jesse. I do feel completely comfortable with you aside from Isaac. The kiss itself wasn't horrible. What's horrible is that I'm holding the outcome of another person's life in my hands." Her voice broke and she bit her lip to keep from crying and risking Eliza's hearing.

"I'm so sorry," Jesse confessed rubbing her shoulders, "I made you feel guilty. I've put pressure on you. I just...what do you want, Winnie?"

Her muscles relaxed under his touch and she met his glassy blue eyes.

"I want to be with you."

He brought his fingers up to her mouth and traced her lips with his thumb.

"So, be with me."

He leaned in and gently rested his forehead to hers. Under lowered eyelids, she maneuvered her trembling hands up and around his neck and inhaled sharply.

Before there was time to catch a breath his lips were softly placed upon hers. Unlike earlier, this initiation wasn't nearly as frantic. She breathed into him and felt herself melting under his grasp.

"What will tomorrow hold?" She questioned rubbing the back of his neck. She didn't know what would become of their remaining days, but knew the inner battle within her had finally been put to rest.

Jesse's eyes went from glassy to smoldering as he inched her closer to him by her waist, "There will be plenty of tomorrows, Winifred Foster. There's just tonight and I only know what tonight holds."

Her heart jumped frantically sending a blush over every inch of her skin. She willed herself to relax against his carnal stare. She wanted to be completely comfortable with him.

"I'd wait every second of forever to have this moment over and over. I'm never going to let you go again." And he didn't.

Soft masculine hands and a trail of tender kisses down her back woke Winnie from a heavy sleep. She hadn't slept so peacefully in what seemed like a very long time. She blushed to herself remembering the prior night's events and pulled her hands close to her chest.

Jesse began to hum softly along her skin and the vibrations were causing wonderful sensations across her backside.

"I could wake up every morning like this." She whispered into her pillow.

"You definitely will if I have anything to say about it."

She let out a relaxing breath and acknowledged how dim her hotel room still was. The sun had yet to rise and Jesse was continuing to keep his promise about not letting her go.

"I love you, Jesse Tuck." She adoringly avowed.

"And I love you too. You're so delicate, Winnie Foster."

"Was this your original plan?" She asked coyly, her blush rising to her face.

He chuckled boyishly, "Love just happens. I couldn't have planned this. It was too perfect. I would have been satisfied to be near you at all. I couldn't think of any better way to spend an anniversary."

"...Eliza?" Winnie wasn't sure if she had the slightest clue of what had transpired.

"Oh, I think Miles kept her plenty occupied. Surprisingly, I didn't hear a peep. Sturdy walls this place has got."

Winnie turned over to face Jesse, his young face just centimeters from hers.

"You know I've literally been staring at you for hours." Jesse confessed under lowered eyelids, "I can't help it. I've never seen something so miraculous."

She reached for him and carefully caressed the side of his face.

"You're incredible." She countered sweetly, running her fingers over the nape of his neck.

He smoothed the unruly hair above her forehead before pressing his lips where his fingers had touched.

"And you smell so deliciously good." Jesse breathed into her neck.

He moved his hand under the huge down comforter that covered them both, massaging up and down her bare thighs.

"Do you feel okay? I thought a massage would help..."

"Jesse, I'm fine. Just kiss me already."

So he did.

Miles had interrupted sometime after the sun had finally decided to show itself. The text message was very much unappreciated and Winnie and Jesse both groaned in response.

"I have to talk to Isaac today." Winnie declared heavily.

"Do you want me there?" Jesse asked considerately. She knew that if she had said yes, there would be no objection. Jesse would support her if necessary.

"I think I have to do this alone. If you're there it will only add fuel to the fire."

"Okay, but if he steps out of line with you..."

Winnie quickly cut him off, "Isaac is possibly the most understanding person I know. It doesn't mean this will upset him any less, but he won't do anything to hurt me."

She sighed heavily, "Now, Eliza on the other hand...she's going to rip my eyes out."

Jesse chuckled half-heartedly, "Winnie, she's your best friend. I know you girls are a little catty, but I don't think she would attack you."

"He's supposed to be giving me my engagement ring back this morning. Perfect timing, huh?" She anxiously ran her hands over her face.

"It is going to be okay. Calm down." Jesse said peeling her hands away.

"Listen to me, love. I will stay if you need me to. Actually, I think that's best, but unless you want to run the risk of Eliza catching us before you even get a chance to explain, I need to leave now."

"I really have to do this part on my own." She confirmed wearingly.

With that, Jesse planted a quick kiss to the side of her mouth and all but bounced out of the bed.

He found his clothing in a heap on the side of the bed. He tried to hold Winnie's eyes while he dressed, but she timorously looked away. Jesse smiled to himself as he shrugged into his leather jacket.

"Call me when you can." He added picking his cell phone up off the bed. "I'll rush here if things go south."

Once at the door leading to the side hallway he turned back, "Does this mean you're staying in Charlotte longer?"

Winnie steadily rose up on her elbows the covers bunching at her small waist, "Yes, I think it does."

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