Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Winnie rose from the ground in complete and utter shock, while Isaac stood beside her trying to dissect her expression. Words wanted to escape her, but they were nowhere to be found.

"Excuse us," Isaac carefully intervened, "do we know you?"

Jesse's wide eyes dimmed as he stared at the beautiful Winnie Foster and nodded slightly. "He's Jesse Tuck," Winnie breathed in astonishment. Her voice was nothing above a whisper. Isaac stared in reverence because he knew exactly who Jesse Tuck was...Winnie's first love.

Jesse forced his feet to move forward so he could get a fine look at the man who was obviously taken with his Winnie. Winifred's eyes gradually darted between the two of them, not at all prepared for what was about to unfold.

"You're Jesse Tuck?" Isaac asked in acknowledgement.

"I am." Jessie replied shamelessly.

This man obviously knew of him, but Jesse wanted to know exactly how much did he know. His eyes captured Winnie as he probed her thoroughly. Indeed, Winifred Foster had changed. Her waist length, soft curls were now straightened and now fell slightly past her shoulders. Her tantalizing blue eyes sparkled more than they had years before. The shape of her face was a little bit narrower as if she had in fact aged slightly and her soft curves were those of a woman twice her age. Winnie Foster had definitely matured and Jesse Tuck questioned at exactly what age she had drank from the spring.

Isaac surveyed Jess's boyish features, "Well, well it is nice to meet you, Jesse." Isaac playfully greeted extending his hand forward. Jesse gazed at him momentarily before reciprocating the gesture.

"And you are?" Jesse asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How silly of me," Isaac stated, "Isaac Blanc. I've known Winnie for quite a while now. Of course, not nearly as long as you all have known each other.

Just how well had he known Winifred? Jesse contemplated.

"We've been attending Columbia together for the past four years." Winnie nervously interrupted, "His sister, Eliza, is my bestfriend."

Isaac eyed Winnie questioningly, but didn't speak. There was a slight pause until Jesse spoke again, "I apologize for just showing up like this, Winnie. I know it's been a very long time." Jesse's eyes darted to Isaac's and then back to Winnie's, "I should have contacted you before I arrived."

Winnie was fighting back tears and didn't want Isaac to witness any outburst that wanted to erupt from her. She clasped his hand gently, "Do you mind if I meet you back at the house. I wanted to speak to Jesse for a second. Eliza will be here any second and will wonder where we are."

Isaac took the hint and nodded, "Sure, take all the time you need", he leaned in to kiss the hollow of her neck, "Nice meeting you again, Jesse." He then turned his back to exit the woods.

Neither Jesse nor Winnie said a word right away. It seemed like they waited an eternity to finally speak and in a way, they had. Winnie examined Jesse closely as if some part of him had changed. Aside from his attire, which was more modern to fit in with the time they were in. His hair was swept back slightly, but still all the same. He wore dark boot-cut jeans, possibly Levi. He wore a brown t-shirt that showed his defined arms. Memories of that day at the waterfall crept in her mind. Thoughts of how he had carried her and embraced her so tenderly made her want to smile, but she did not.

"Isaac knows," Winnie breathed calmly.

"What does that mean?" Jesse countered questioningly.

"About us. He knows about us. How you and I...were close." She couldn't even look at him. She glanced at the ground under lowered eyelids.

Finding Forever: A Tuck Everlasting StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin