Chapter 7 {Outtake} The Second Time

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Jesse knew Winnie was being modest about the tenderness she was probably experiencing. He had seen the remnants of her virginity underneath them and wanted to take care of her before getting carried away again. His hand gently caressed the soft skin of her outer thigh and trailed up and over her hip before resting firmly right underneath her breast. He began a heated assault of kisses all over her neck and jawline.

Her breathing quickly turned into soft whimpers of pleasure and Jesse smiled against her skin with a feeling of accomplishment. Their first time had been beyond amazing, unlike anything he could have dreamed of.

They had melded so well together, it was almost surreal. Her responses to his touches and the way she had caught on, one would have thought they'd been together many times before.

Reluctantly, he removed his lips from her and met her flustered eyes.

"As much as I would love to keep you here and ravish you right now, I think you may need to soak in the bath. I may have ended things a little bit too aggressive last night."

She brought her palm up to his face and gently lifted her head to peck his lips.

"You're sweet...will you join me?" The blush had quickly returned to her face.

"You have to ask." He teased. "Come on. I'll draw us a bath."

Jesse guided her from the bed and she turned to maneuver out of the sheet until she was standing bare just like him.

Once inside the bathroom, Jesse began running the water. Winnie was casually examining herself in the mirror, running her fingers over body.

"You look beautiful." He breathed in awe catching her reflection in the mirror.

She giggled clearly embarrassed, averting her eyes, "I've always assumed I would look or feel different, you know...after?"

He carefully enveloped her from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Somehow, I've managed to love you even more."

After several moments, the tub had filled. Jesse had added some bath salt and creamy bath soap that had sitting on the vanity. A sweet aroma filled the entire room.

Taking her hand, he entered the steaming water and helped her as she lowered her small feet in.

Jesse knelt down and pressed his back against the porcelain and Winnie casually positioned herself between his legs. The water felt soothing against the ache she was experiencing below her abdomen.

"Come here," he coaxed, pulling her to him.

She smiled as she tilted her head back resting against his chest contently.

"This was a good idea. Thank you." she breathed grabbing both his hands on either side.

"Told you." He teased toying with her fingers.

He placed a small kiss on top of her head and took in a breath as she slowly turned her head.

Before he could object her lips met flush with his. Unwillingly, he broke their kiss and managed to grab Winnie's bath sponge.

He lathered an ample amount of her body wash into the sponge.

"Turn around so I can wash your back." He directed.

Gently, he worked the sponge over the skin of her back, dipping lightly below to her bottom then proceeded back up and over her shoulders.

He took hold of her arms and went over them before dipping over the front of her breasts.

Winnie's breathing had slowed tremendously and she couldn't fight the faint moans that so badly wanted to escape her. Heat radiated all over her as Jesse took precious time rubbing the sponge over her nipples then down toward her belly.

It wasn't long before she felt him stiffen beneath her, his breathing beginning to match hers.

She brought her right hand up behind her to caress the right side of his cheek. He held her eyes as he lowered the sponge over her center, slowly motioning it around.

Winnie began to writhe against him and he pressed the sponge to her firmly. He brought his left hand around and splayed his palm over left breast.

Inevitability, he lowered his head and wasted no time sliding his tongue into her mouth.

She had somehow managed to turn in his arms and brought her fingers up into his hair, deepening their kiss. Her legs were on either side of his hips and she could feel his hardness brushing against her swollenness.

"Winnie, are you sure? I think you're still too sore." He admitted huskily. He wanted this so badly, but not at her expense.

"Please..." she whined softly.

He knew she would be the death of him. He carefully took hold of her hips and she held onto his shoulders. He helped pull her upon her knees slightly and brought her center into contact with his.

In unison, they both let out a satisfied moan. She was surrounding him completely, her wet and throbbing heat. Gone, was the pinching sensation from hours before. Winnie felt a sense of fullness and tingling as she rocked against him. Jesse couldn't take it, but couldn't completely give in and his head fell back against the tub as he thrust up into her, meeting her hips.

He raised his head slightly just enough to see her breast springing lightly with each push of his hips.

Moan after moan, Winnie couldn't keep her breathe. Her sounds began running together until it blended into one long stretch of humming.

Jesse knew there was no quieting them, but he had to try. Both their sounds were ricocheting off the walls of the bathroom.

"Winnie...." He painted in between thrusts, "We need quiet."

"I'm...trying," she moaned, "...Feels...good. Please...don't stop."

Stop? Well, of course he wouldn't.

He weakly brought his head up and kissed her to smother their moans.

Thrust after thrust, their hips impacted. An intense tremor began to rock through her, slamming into her like a ton of bricks, and she felt herself floating away into another life. Winnie was sure she had died and went to heaven. She convulsed deeply and cried his name into his mouth, her insides clenching fiercely. Jesse's belly contracted as he roughly climaxed along with her, continuously whispering he loved her over and over again.

It took several minutes for their breathing to return to normal.

"Am I dead?" She murmured against his neck once she caught her breath. Her body was limp against him.

"We both are." Jesse chuckled into her hair. He had noticed water had lapped over the tub and had spilled onto the floor.

Winnie shivered lightly in his arms.

"You cold?"

She nodded, her eyes closed. Jesse realized she hadn't opened them in a while. He knew she must have been completely exhausted.

Eventually, he helped her rise to her feet and they managed to towel dry one another.

When they slid back into the bed it wasn't completely dark like before. Jesse knew they didn't have much longer until daylight.

He and Winnie were snuggled closely on the same pillow facing one another, both of them watching the other intently. Neither of them wanted to fall asleep.

Before long, they could no longer help it and they acceded to their exhaustion.

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