Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The neighboring tree outside Winnie's bedroom window began to rustle it repeatedly as she laid in bed counting the number of times the tree shook. She was very sure of the reason she was prohibiting the start of her day.

As the events of the night before began to replay in her head, she rolled to the opposite side of her bed. Their conversation had ended with Jesse riding away heatedly just as the sun had begun to set. Winnie didn't want him to leave the way he did and she was completely distressed that it had come to that. There was still so much left unanswered. She wanted to know about the rest of the Tucks. Were they aware of Jesse's road trip? Did they think she would come back with him? Those thoughts plagued her for most of the morning. She stared at Isaac who lay in a chair asleep with one of his medical books displayed open and resting on his abdomen. He had stayed with Winnie overnight, only after she had requested. She didn't want to give Jesse any reason to return to her house out of spite or stupidity. Winnie didn't want Isaac to know that, instead she only told him that she was afraid of being alone, which wasn't entirely untrue. Being the gentleman that he was, Isaac agreed to stay in the armchair next to her bedside.

She glanced at her alarm clock on her nightstand and frowned when it read a quarter past eight. He probably won't check out until eleven, maybe ten at the earliest. She recollected Jesse saying that he was staying at the Gamble Inn closer to town. It was no more than fifteen minutes away. Winnie knew she had more than enough time to get there.

Isaac's eyes opened slowly when he heard Winnie's movement. "Morning, Miss Foster," he exhaled stretching his arms.

Winnie had rose from her bed to reach for her satin robe that lay at the foot of her bed. No matter how modern the times, Winnie was still virtuous and didn't want Isaac eyeing her in her nightgown just yet. "Good morning. Did you sleep well? I know that chair isn't the most comfortable."

He grinned softly, standing to stretch his legs, "No, it wasn't bad at all. I enjoy watching you sleep." He walked around the other side of the bed toward her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm going to get out of here, okay. I have to open the store and I'm going to be late. Besides, I don't want my parents thinking I've made a dishonest woman out of you before the wedding," he chuckled.

Winnie smiled lightly at his statement, "As if they haven't thought that already. Your mother has been hinting at me to wear an ivory dress."

Isaac chuckled and pressed a light kiss to her lips, "Speaking of the wedding, our bands will be done this weekend and ready for pickup. I might close the store for lunch and we can head there to see how they are coming along."

Winnie began throwing her bed pillows that she had placed on her chaise back onto her bed. Isaac started helping her.

"Would you consider moving into the master bedroom after the wedding?"

"Why? What's wrong with my room?"

"Nothing is wrong with it. I was saying, I mean we would have our own bathroom and we could turn this into a guest room."

"I don't know, Isaac. That was my parent's room. It would feel a little weird being in there. All their things are in there." Winnie answered a little defensive.

"It's not a big deal. I just thought we would have more space in there for my things as well. You don't have to. It was just a suggestion. We can stay in here." He grabbed her from behind around her waist and held her. "You're so delicate, Winifred Foster."

She patted his hand, "Come on, didn't you just say you had to get going?"

Isaac closed his eyes and breathed into her, "In a second, I just want to hold you right now. Just think, in a few short weeks you're going to be Mrs. Isaac Eugene Blanc. Then, I can hold you every morning for how ever long I want."

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