Chapter 6-Part Three

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Before night had completely taken over, Tuck led the way back to the dock. Once they made it back the cars, goodbyes were given. Mae tenderly embraced Eliza and Winnie. Isaac boldly exchanged handshakes with Tuck and his sons. Despite the earlier events that morning, it seemed everyone had become very comfortable with the way the evening had panned out.

In the car headed back to the hotel, Winnie sat quietly looking out of the passenger side window, feeling a sense of déjà vu.

"Did you have a good time?" Isaac spoke delicately giving her a quick glance.

She gave him a small smile, "I did. It was fun. I was shocked how much I enjoyed it."

"What about you, Liza?" He directed as his tried to meet his sister's eyes in the rearview mirror.

Eliza was completely enthralled with a miniature piece of technology called a cellphone.

"Yeah fantastic," Eliza stated dryly, not even bothering to look up.

Winnie turned around just to see a slight smirk forming on her best friend's face.

Clearly, she was texting with someone, Miles perhaps?

Winnie pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Eliza.

Who are you talking to?

No one...

Yeah right. Is it Miles?

"Are you and Liza texting each other and you're just an arm's length away?" Isaac intervened amused.

"Now, that would just be silly." Eliza commented in mock sarcasm.

Winnie giggled lightly.

Is it?



Okay, okay. Yes.

Just as Winnie was about to continue, her phone buzzed letting her know she received another text. This one was not from Eliza.

Can you get away tonight?

Winnie could visualize Jesse striding back and forth waiting for her response on the other end.

You know I can't. That's not a good idea anyway.

Yes you can. Tonight is our night, remember?

A 100 year anniversary would be hard to forget.

If that were even an option, how would I? She couldn't believe she was even considering it, but her fingers had a mind of their own.

Miles is coming to see Eliza. I'll come along. So, that had been why Eliza had that goofy grin.

I don't know. This feels so wrong, Jesse. Not me being with you...just being with you behind Isaac's back.

Do you want me to ask his permission? Winnie knew he meant that remark as a joke, but it definitely stung at her conscious.

She didn't want to hurt Isaac by continuing to give him false hope. When in his mind he thought everything was perfect. However, she knew that she couldn't deny Jesse. Especially since he was the reason she was even in North Carolina.

I just want to be near you...while the night is still ours?

When did things become so complex? When you kissed him, idiot Winnie thought to herself.

What time? She found herself typing.

"What did you girls have in mind when we get back?" Isaac unknowingly interrupted.

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