chapter 4

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It has been a month since they became friends and Zelda has come to visit and vice versa.

They were in their magic theory class where they only learn until they are able to officially use magic.

Theodore was bored out of his mind, the teacher didn't have to repeat everything over and over again.

He ripped a piece of paper and secretly threw it at Ladory and then looked away as if he was not the one to do it, but it was too obvious. They were the only ones except the teacher to be here and he is the only one who would dare to do this.

Ladory who was seconds away from dozing off was startled when a paper ball suddenly hit him, he looked over at Theodore and frowned. He then looked at the teacher who was busy giving his lessons on the elements and theory that begin the structures of magic. This was biology class all over again, Ladory then smiled and flung it on the back of the teacher's head then quickly pretended to be sleeping.

The teacher quickly turned around frowning, he saw that Ladory's head was down and sleeping with Theodore was looking at him.

"Master Theodore!" He lashed his whip on the desk, Ladory pretended to jump up from slumber.

"Huh?!, where am I?" He acted confused

'That little shit! This is foul play!' He said in his mind.

"Do you think this is funny?" The teacher asked Theodore.

"But I am not laughing?" Theodore said with innocent eyes.

"It seems you have a very smart mouth, young man. I hope you can tell me what were the 3 main elements of the founder in the eastern empire and what was his contribution to this kingdom?" The teacher asked, whipping his hand.

Ladory lifted up the book hiding his mouth then whispered, "prepare your ankles you little shit" Ladory grins in victory.

Theodore felt his lips twitch, he wanted to laugh in rage but he restrained himself, "Light, wind, and earth. His contribution to this EMPIRE is that he created a new system of magic which is more easier to use"

The teacher stops. "I see you've done your studies.... BUT before 8th century this was still a KINGDOM, and the founder did not have light magic, it was illusion a sub element of the light magic"

He went and took a book then slammed it on the desk in front of him.

"Your home is to research on the founders who AcTuAlLy had LIGHT magic"

Theodore felt his head hurt for the foreseeing future, he tried to maintain his smile that was twitching endlessly. He actually got punished for something he didn't do, great.

He then looked over to Ladory and slapped his desk with the whip startling him.

'This is one scary fucking teacher'

"Don't think you're off the hook young master Ladory, who dares you to sleep in my class?"

"I- uh.... I'm sorry Mr. Salazar"

"I hope you can tell me the names of the three guardians that protected the founding empire when the 2nd king Allowicious ruled"

"I ..... uh... Garcia.....Lushen.... I don't know the 3rd one. His name is too long... And there is barely any information given on that period" Ladory confessed.


He slammed 3 large books on the table.

"Then maybe you shouldn't sleep in class, go sit kneel in the corner and put two hands out"

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