~Chapter 35~

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It was now a few days after Christmas and it felt like the holidays went by so quickly this year.

Vinnie was spending the day with Jett so I took this opportunity to put all the Christmas decorations away.

In my seventeen years of living, I always took down Christmas decorations right after Christmas.

We don't keep Halloween decorations up a month after Halloween so why am I going to do it with Christmas? That's just stupid.

I took all the ornaments off the Christmas tree one by one. I carefully wrapped the ornaments in wrapping paper so they wouldn't break while they were in storage.

Once all the ornaments were off, I took each string of lights off the tree. I wrapped them up and carefully set them in storage bins.

Once everything was off the tree, I dragged it out of the apartment and down to the garbage.

It was going to die soon so I just threw it out.

I took all the Christmas decorations from around the house and put them in storage bins.

I took my reef off the door and set it in one of the storage bins as the last thing to go in.

After I closed all the storage bins and put them away, I started putting up new years decorations.

Which consisted of a bunch of gold decors.

I put a "Happy new years" sign on our door and little table decorations on all the tables.

Once I was done, I started to cook dinner. It was already later in the day and Vinnie would be home soon so I wanted him to come home to a nice dinner.

I decided to make a family recipe which was chicken tacos. My dad's side was Latina so I grew up with my grandma teaching me a bunch of recipes.

I started with the chicken, I grilled it, and threw on some seasoning.

I let that cook while I chopped tomatoes, cilantro, and some peppers. I threw the peppers in a pan so that they could get soft.

I set the table while my veggies and chicken cooked. I put homemade taco sauce on the table along with cheese and other toppings.

As I set the table, I heard the front door open.

"Hey, Vin." He set all his stuff down and came into the kitchen.

"It smells amazing in here." He pecked my lips quickly before walking to go look at the food cooking.

"Sit it's almost ready." I pushed him out of the kitchen so I could finish cooking.

I brought the food to the table and sat down next to him to eat.

"How was your day with Jett?" I asked taking another bite of my taco.

"It was good, we went skating and we worked on my car a little bit." Vinnie looked around the house and at all the new decorations.

"I see you were busy today." He added taking another bite of food.

"Yeah I was-" I was cut off by the ringing of my phone. I looked at my phone and saw Jessie was calling.

"Give me a sec." I pecked his cheek and answered the phone.

"Hey Jess, what's up?"

"Hey Shay, I was just calling to see if you and Vinnie wanted to come to a New Year's Eve party at my house. Everyone will be there." I looked over at Vinnie who was already looking at me.

He nodded his head giving me a yes.

"Yeah, we would love to!"

"Devin and I are going dress shopping tomorrow, you should come."

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