Chapter Two: I Don't Want Him

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    Walking through the halls felt like a scene from a movie. Everyone turned their heads at the sight of the new kid. And I just happened to be right next to him. Lunch couldn't have come faster. I got my food and sat at my usual table. I started eating keeping my head hung low. I could hear the girls around me gossiping. They were mostly talking about guys as they always do. Then one of them gasped and pointed to a table across the lunch room. I turned my head around to see Billy smiling at my table. We made eye contact and he wiggled his fingers in a wave. The girls around me swooned. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my lunch.

    As I was leaving the lunch room I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Billy I'm not interested" I said without turning to see who it was.
"W-Billy? You mean the new guy?"
I recognized the voice and turned to see Chrissy Cunningham. Chrissy is one of the very few nice cheerleaders. She's a couple grades under me, but we've been inseparable since the day we met in middle school.
"Oh Chrissy hi. That new guy Billy has been trying to flirt with me all day" I say.
"It seems like he's been trying to flirt with everyone" she says with a giggle.
"Yeah he's not really my type."
We both let out a small laugh.
"Well I have to get going to chemistry" Chrissy says.
"Literary studies" I say, "the one class I don't have with him."
Chrissy and I part ways to our classes.

    Once the last bell rings I hurry out of the school. I almost thought that I made it without bumping into Billy, but just as I get to the parking lot I hear a whistle behind me. I turn to see Billy leaning against his car with a cigarette in his mouth.
"How'd you get out so early?" I ask.
"Skipped the last hour."
"Then why are you still here?"
"Well I have to wait for my dad's lame excuse of a daughter so I figured I'd wait for you too."
"What do you want Billy?" I say with a sigh.
He drops his cigarette to the ground and walks over to me.
"I want you Sam" he says as he leans in next to my ear.
For a moment I feel myself give in. It would be nice to finally be with someone, but him? Does he even want something serious? I lean back enough to see his gorgeous blue eyes.
"No" I say and turn to walk away.
"Really? No? Ha!" I hear him yell behind me.
It takes everything in me not to turn around and give him what he wants. But I'm sure he'll find another girl. I mean he's got plenty of options. Every girl in Hawkins is fawning over him. He's got the looks, but as far as I know his personality sucks. I don't want that. I don't want him. I keep repeating that over and over as I walk home. Maybe it'll be true once I get there.

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