Chapter Five: The Next Day

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    I put my car in reverse and sped out of the driveway.
"Woah Sam calm down you almost hit them" Chrissy says as we pass the group at Billy's car.
Billy had a guy pinned up against his car by the shirt. We locked eyes for a split second as Billy's grimace dropped. I turned my head towards the street as more tears welled in my eyes. The drive to Chrissy's house was silent. I dropped her off then went to my own house.

    Once home I went straight to my bedroom. I collapsed onto my bed in a heap. A few tears trailed down my face. I rubbed them remembering the makeup on my face. I collected myself and walked into the bathroom. I wiped away the makeup. I would've never thought that I'd be clearing tear stained makeup from my face as the result of a guy. I let out an exasperated laugh and dropped my head. I was immediately hit in the face with the strong scent of cologne. I picked up the hem of Billy's leather jacket and fiddled with the zipper. I walked back into my room. I unzipped the jacket.
"Stupid fucking bitch. I'm a stupid fucking bitch" I say as I throw the jacket to the ground.
I peel off the sleeves of my dress wincing at the familiar feeling. I grab a big t-shirt and a pair of shorts and slip them on. I toss myself onto my bed and go to sleep.

    The next morning I groaned myself out of bed nearly slipping on the jacket on the floor. I picked up the jacket, folded it, and threw it in my bag to give to Billy later. Today was going to be miserable. It's no doubt that if the whole school didn't already know about the events of last night they were gonna find out. I chose the baggiest clothes from my closet and put them on.

    I kept my head down all day. I could feel the stares and hear the not so quiet whispering. At lunch I picked at my food too anxious to actually eat anything. I stood up to empty my tray and was nearly tripped by someone's foot.
"Goody Gardner's apparently not too good for bad boy Billy huh?" taunted the guy with his foot out.
The girl sitting on his other leg commented, "You're just like Shakespeare babe."
"More like Dr.Seuss" I replied in a snarky tone.

    The school day dragged on for what felt like forever, but at last I was released by the final bell. On my way to my car I spotted Billy waiting outside of his car with a girl. He seemed frustrated and left with just the girl. The red haired girl I presumed to be his sister skateboarded over soon after. She cussed at his absence and quickly rolled away. I felt the same way seeing him with another girl so quickly. I should've known the second that he kissed me the first time that it wouldn't last. We did agree on "one time" I guess. But would that even count as a "time"? We were interrupted.

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