Chapter Eleven: Sleepover

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    "Aw man what happened" my dad asked peering at Billy's wound.
"He fell and hit his head" I interjected.
"On some concrete" Billy followed.
"Well that concrete got you pretty good" my dad stated obviously not believing our story.
Billy and I made eye contact and smirked.
"Yeah yeah it did" Billy said pretending to wipe his lip to hide his smile.
"Well I don't think that you'll need stitches, but you will need to apply an antibacterial ointment to it everytime you change the gauze" my dad said as he pulled a gauze pad, medical tape, and a tube of ointment from seemingly nowhere.
I swear he carries an entire first aid kit in his pockets. He cleaned up Billy's cut, put the ointment on, and taped the gauze to his forehead.
"You're all set kiddo" he said patting Billy's shoulder.
As he was walking out of the bathroom he pulled me into a tight hug.
"Goodnight salmon love you."
"Love you too dad" I said muffled by his grip.
"Salmon?" Billy questioned after my dad had left.
"Oh that's just one of the many nicknames he has for me. There's samich, sam-I-am, and so many more."
"Guess who has a new name to call you?"
"No Billy you better not."
"C'mon Samich seems like a pretty good name to me."
"I prefer a simple Sam for your information William. Or should I say, Willy?"
"Alright I'm done" Billy said raising his hands in surrender.
Billy stood up. I saw that blood had gotten on his shirt.
"Shit there's blood all over you" I said grabbing the collar of his shirt.
"It's fine I can wash it out when I get home" Billy replied.
"You think I'm gonna let you drive? You hit your head pretty hard and your car needs to go to a shop. Plus whatever that thing was could still be out there. You aren't leaving alone" I said.
"Sam really it's fine."
"No it's not. Take off your shirt. Blood washes out better when it's still wet" I said determined to make him stay.
"You know you could've just told me that you wanted me to take my shirt off. You didn't need to explain" Billy said grinning from ear to ear.
"Calm down hot shot I'm just trying to help."
"You can help me unbutton this shirt" he said getting closer to me.
I sighed and began unbuttoning his shirt. I knew what he wanted and I wasn't gonna give it to him.
"So who were you going on a date with?" I asked.
"Way to ruin the mood" Billy huffed.
"I'm curious" I said acting oblivious to his intentions.
I slipped the rest of his shirt off and rinsed the blood with cold water in the sink.
"Mrs. Wheeler. Well, Karen is her first name" Billy said from behind me.
I whipped around to him in shock and mild disgust.
"Nancy's mom? What the fuck Billy! She's married and like twenty years older than you. She has a kid your age" I exclaimed.
"What? She's hot" Billy said matter-of-factly.
"Ew" I said as I tossed the shirt over the shower rod to dry.
"So where am I sleeping tonight?" Billy asked.
"You can sleep in my room. On the floor" I said walking out of the bathroom.
"Wow you treat your guests fantastic" he said following behind.
We got into my room and I began spreading blankets and pillows out on the floor. I heard a zipper behind me. I turned to see Billy in just boxers.
"Woah hey what are you doing?" I asked averting my eyes.
"Don't pretend like you haven't seen me before. I'm getting comfy" Billy said tossing his jeans aside.
He walked closer and I threw a blanket at him.
"Goodnight Billy" I said laying down and covering up in my bed.
"Goodnight to you too Sam."
I assumed he rolled his eyes saying that but my back was facing him so I couldn't tell. I started to drift off to sleep but was repeatedly disturbed by Billy tossing and turning on the floor. I had finally had enough and gave in.
"Just get up here you big baby."
"Look who's being nice now. Sharing IS caring after all" Billy said sitting on my bed and flinging the comforter up.
"Bring a blanket I'm not sharing" I said as I yanked the comforter from Billy's hands.

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