Chapter Seven: Max

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     Over the next few school days I noticed that Billy wasn't waiting in the parking lot after school to pick his stepsister up. I caught the occasional glimpse of his car speeding away. One day I even saw the red haired girl, who I eventually found out was named Max, covering her cries in the passenger seat. Their sibling relationship seemed very destructive.

    A couple days after I had seen Max crying in Billy's car she had come into Melvald's. I was working the register. She had quickly walked in and grabbed a roll of duct tape. She seemed frustrated.
"How's your day today?" I asked.
"Just fantastic" she said sarcastically snapping at me.
The thought crossed my mind that Billy could have broken something of hers in a rage. Max seemed to get pretty upset whenever anyone mentioned her stepbrother so I kept the thought to myself.

    Chrissy and I rekindled our friendship putting the whole Billy situation in the past. She was so persistent about the metalhead Eddie Munson even when I repeatedly told her that I didn't like him. It got to the point where I was questioning if she herself was interested in him. But at the end of the day her and Jason seemed pretty solid. They had been together for about a year since they were freshmen.

    I hadn't heard of or paid much attention to Billy in the months following. I had overheard that he got in a fight with Steve Harrington about Max but not much information was given on why. He got distant leading up to graduation. The very few times I saw him he would almost always have a bruise or scratch on his face. He also never went back to waiting for Max after school in the parking lot. Even at graduation itself he was acting weird. I didn't mean to spy, but I could tell that something was off. He would barely interact with his family. After the ceremony he went straight to his car and drove away.

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