Chapter Sixteen: Rain

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    Billy drove me to Enzo's to get my car on his way to work. I spent all day wondering why these teenage girls were so interested in a nightmare creature. After work I ran home and snuck into my dad's gun case. The passcode was my birthday. He makes all his passwords super easy to figure out. I picked out the most dangerous looking gun and the according ammo. I didn't want to head into that place without some way to protect us.
    I waited outside of Billy's house for the girls hoping that Billy wouldn't catch me taking his stepsister somewhere. The girls ran out of the house wearing rain coats. I gave Max a furrowed look when she got in the passengers seat.
"What? It's supposed to rain" she scoffed.
As if on cue thunder rolled in the distance. Rain began to pour from the clouds. I took a deep breath and started driving. I was too busy anxiously tapping my thumb on the steering wheel to hear the rustling in the backseat.
"What's this for?" the girl asks.
I glance in my rearview mirror but it's too dark to see what she's holding up.
"Is that a gun?" Max exclaims looking back at her.
I halted the car to a stop and whipped around. I struggled to unbuckle my seatbelt.
"Holy shit El you can't just swing a gun around like that" Max said reaching back to grab the gun.
Before she could hold it I snatched it from El's hands. The gun wasn't even loaded but I still panicked.
    I contemplated what we were doing before resuming the drive to the warehouse. Once there I told Max to grab the flashlight from my glove box. We got out of the car and reluctantly inched towards the building. I walked in front of the girls with the loaded gun ready shoot anything that came at us. We made it to the door with nothing in sight. We wandered the empty building looking for any sign of the flesh monster. All we came across was a scampering rat every now and then. We were just about to leave when El heard something behind us. She said it was a gurgling sound. We followed the noise and found it emitting from a grate in the floor.
"Ew what's that smell?" Max asked covering her nose with her shirt.
"I'm guessing it's sewage. There must be a backup somewhere making it bubble" I suggested.
We quickly got away from the grotesque aroma and headed back to the car. We made it to Max's house at about 7. I could hardly make out someone standing in the doorway through the rain. I watched as the Max and El approached them. I could tell that they were yelling at Max so I decided to step in.
"Were you with that boy again?" I heard Billy angrily shout.
"What is your problem with him Billy?" Max yelled back.
Billy stuttered before grumbling, "he's different Max and I told you to stay away from him."
"What's so different about him? Is it because he's black? Is that why?" Max questioned throwing her hands up.
Billy grabbed her by the shoulders.
"Don't you ever talk to me like that again" he warned.
I ran up to the door and wedged my way between them. I had one hand on Billy's chest and the other on Max's arm pushing them apart.
"Stop Billy stop!" I yelled over their voices.
A man and woman appeared inside the house.
"What the hell is going on here?" the man asked.
"Nothing" Billy said through a clenched jaw.
I relaxed my arms and brought them down to my sides.
"Leave" Billy uttered.
"What?" I whispered looking at him.
"Ah I see. This is the new slut that Billy's brought home. Been awhile since the last one" the man inside sarcastically taunted.
"Leave Sam" Billy growled becoming even more irritated.
I looked back at Max who was staring at the ground.
"I'll talk to him" I reassured.
"Yeah good luck trying" she huffed before storming into the house.
El glanced around before following.
"Go Sam!" Billy yelled shoving me back.
I stumbled over my feet onto the sidewalk.
"It'd be great to talk sometime when you aren't being an abusive piece of shit!" I yelled, rain trailing down my face mixing with the welling tears in my eyes.

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