Chapter Fourteen: The Date

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    I anxiously waited for the time to begin getting ready. I constantly watched the clock in anticipation. I broke at about five thirty. I put on my outfit and curled my hair. I borrowed some makeup from Chrissy along with her booties. I tried my best to do a smokey eye without making it look like I had a black eye. I smothered my lips with a dark red lipstick. Once I was finished I could barely recognize myself in the mirror. I checked the clock and it was already six forty five. I hurried to put on the shoes and rushed out to my car. Just before I left the house I heard my dad call my name. He was sitting in the living room watching TV.
"Where are you going in such a hurry Sam?"
"I um...well Chrissy wants to go to this party and..."
I could see him raising an eyebrow questioning my excuse.
"Actually I have a date" I confessed.
"Oh yeah? Good luck kiddo" he said returning his attention to the TV.
"Y-yeah thanks dad" I called turning back to run to my car.

    I made it to Enzo's at 7:01. I hurried into the restaurant causing the customers inside to turn their attention to me. I froze and spotted Billy smiling from a table to the left of me. Someone opened the door behind me. I moved to the side to let them pass. I recognized the man. I think I've seen him at the police station before in uniform. I felt my face flush as I walked to the table Billy was at.
"Wow all that for me?" he asked looking me up and down.
"Who says it's for you" I teased sitting down in a chair across from him.
"I guess we'll find out" he said through a big grin.

    We talked throughout our dinner about whatever we could think about. Childhood stories, our plans for the fall, etc. I learned that Billy used to really enjoy surfing before him and his dad moved from the beaches. Other than that he didn't talk much about his upbringing. I explained my plans for college and moving to a bigger city. He said that he didn't really have any desire to go to college. He just wanted to get out of Hawkins. Don't we all.
    I took a bathroom break and when I came back into the dining area the police man was hollering at the waiter for more alcohol. Billy walked up next to me.
"Let's get out of here" he said in my ear.
I followed him out of the restaurant. Once out of the doors Billy told me to stay put. He jogged to his car and started the engine. He turned up the volume on the radio and flipped through the stations. He stopped on a station that had just started playing Ratt's "Back For More". He walked to me doing a little dance on the way. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in. He spun me around and danced me to the tune of the music. We paused when we ran into his car. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He lifted me onto the hood of his car.
"I guess we should finish what we started" he said pulling away.
He left me and hopped into the driver's seat. I slid off the hood and got into the passengers.
"Where are we going?" I asked over the blaring music.
"My place" he yelled back.
He sped out of the parking lot and to his house. The ride there was strikingly different compared to the last time we rode together. All the windows were down with the music blasting. We were both bopping along to every song that came on.

    We got to his house and ran up to the door. Billy quickly unlocked the door and threw it open. He tossed his keys to the side as he lifted me. I wrapped my legs around him, grabbed his head, and began kissing him once again. He shoved me up against the wall and something fell to the floor. I pulled away and looked in the darkness for what had fallen.
"Billy you're gonna break something" I whispered.
He spun us around and staggered into another room. We fell onto a bed. Billy, on top of me, kissed me once before shuffling around in the dark. I heard the static of a radio buzzing to life and the rustle of clothes being thrown to the floor soon after.

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