Chapter Nine: His Leather Jacket

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Later that day I was going through my closet sorting out what I would want to take to college. I found my old backpack. I opened it and saw notebooks and papers. I dumped it out. Something was stuck in the bottom so I shook it. Out plopped a mass of black leather. I spread it out. It was Billy's jacket. I had postponed giving it to him so much that I had forgotten it was in my bag. I fiddled with the zipper. I should give it back to him. I'm surprised he didn't ask for it back at all. I guess he was avoiding me as much as I was him.

I went over to Chrissy's claiming to spend the night. Once the sun had set and everyone else was asleep I headed to Billy's house. I had seen Max skateboarding around on the street in front of a white house with a screened in porch once in awhile. I assumed that's where they lived. Chrissy's house wasn't too far from them so I decided to walk there. It was a nice summer night after all. As I approached the house I noticed Billy walking towards his car. I called out to him.
"Billy! Hey Billy!"
He turned to me just as he was unlocking his car door.
"What the hell are you doing here?" he yelled back.
"I still have your jacket" I yelled holding up the jacket.
He walked over to me. I held the jacket out to him. He took it and put it on. He turned to walk back to his car.
"Wait Billy" I said.
He looked over his shoulder.
"Can we talk?" I asked.
He turned back to me and got close. His face was inches from mine.
"I have a date and I'm a little short on time so no we can't talk" he said and went back to his car.
"Please Billy. You're really gonna let me walk home? It's dark and the middle of summer. Plus we're in Hawkins so who knows what's out there" I yelled to him.
He paused before shutting his door and starting the engine. I watched as he started to drive away. I dropped my head and began walking back to Chrissy's. I then heard the car come to a halt. I looked up as it sped in reverse. It stopped in the street next to me. The passenger's window rolled down.
"C'mon" Billy said motioning for me to get in the car.
I got into the car.
"I'll drop you off at your house. It's on the way there anyways" he said not looking at me.

One Time Thing~(a Billy Hargrove fanfic)~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن