Chapter Ten: The Accident

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    The ride was quiet for awhile. I had asked him if we could talk earlier and we're alone so, I guess it's the perfect time.
"What am I to you?" I asked breaking the silence.
I looked at Billy's face. He furrowed his brows before letting out a breathy laugh.
"You are Sam. Samantha Gardner" he said still not looking at me.
"Billy you know that's not what I meant."
"Than what do you mean Sam? That we hooked up in my car? It was one time. Once. We agreed on that" he said raising his voice.
"Billy I-"
I was cut off by something crashing into the windshield. We served off of the road. I covered my head with my arms as we slid across gravel into the parking lot of an abandoned building. The car stopped once it hit overgrown bushes that were crowding the sides of the parking lot. I shakily uncovered my head and looked over at Billy. His head was tilted to the side. I lunged over and grabbed his face.
"Billy Billy wake up Billy please" I frantically whispered as I patted his face.
He groggily opened his eyes and groaned. I noticed the gash in his head.
"Shit, Billy your head."
"Oh, no" he grumbled, "no. Piece of shit."
He pushed me off of him and hit the dashboard. The radio fizzled on.
"Shit" he said touching the cut on his head, "damn it!"
He banged on the steering wheel and began to open his door.
"Billy what are you doing?" I asked grabbing his arm.
"Getting out" he said shaking off my hand.
"You don't know what's out there" I said panicked.
"Wha-" he began to say.
Just then he was jerked out of his seat. I grabbed his arm again and pulled him back into the car. We were both panic screaming at this point. He kicked whatever had pulled him and slammed his door shut. He twisted the key over and over trying to get the car to start. I was hitting the dashboard in a helpless attempt to restart the engine. I heard a growl from behind the car. I looked back and saw a fleshy mass forming in front of the building. The engine started.
"Drive Billy drive!" I screamed.
He put the car in reverse and it nearly hit the creature. There was smoke billowing out of the hood yet we still managed to speed away.

    We were both in shock the whole ride to my house. Once there I got out and started walking to the front door. I noticed Billy still in his car. I walked over to his door and opened it.
"You coming?" I asked.
He looked up at me with wide eyes. Blood was trailing down his face from the wound on his temple.
"C'mon let's get you bandaged up" I said and grabbed his hand.
I dragged Billy behind me into my house. My dad was sitting on the couch reading a newspaper.
"I thought you were sleeping over at Chrissy's" he said still reading.
Billy and I froze in place.
"Uh I forgot some things" I stuttered.
I tiptoed Billy to the bathroom.
"Here sit" I said pushing Billy's shoulders down to sit on the toilet lid.
I rummaged around in the cabinet under the sink for a first aid kid. I found some bandaids and rubbing alcohol. I grabbed a towel and turned to Billy.
"This might hurt a little bit" I said holding up the rubbing alcohol.
I held the towel under his wound and poured the rubbing alcohol over it. Billy gasped and groaned in pain.
"Shh my dad is right out there in the living room he could hear you."
I heard a knock on the door.
"Yep dad heard. Is it alright if I come in?" my dad said from the behind the door.
I glanced at Billy and back at the door.
"My dad's a doctor he can help."
I opened the door.
"Dad this is Billy. Billy, my dad."
"Mr. Gardner" Billy greeted with a nod.

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