Chapter 1

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*Author's Note: This is a fan fiction that involves Marianas Trench. Now, I do not at all own any songs or anything of Marianas Trench. I'm just a fan with an imagination.*

I didn't want to go to school. Everyone hated me there. I already gave up on life about 2 years ago when my life started to fall apart. I cringed at that thought and picked myself up miserably out of bed. I couldn't take it least it was my senior year and there was only 4 months left.

I slipped on some black skinnies and a t shirt. I also gave up on my appearance in school, since everyone always tried their hardest to look good. I never quite understood that or why people did that. I looked at my t shirt collection... I chose Marianas Trench, my favorite band, of course.

I did whatever else to get ready for the day and I put in my ear phones and walked to my bus stop that happened to be the at the end of my street. There wasn't much of a breeze outside, since yesterday it was a little warmer than usual.

I ignored the bitter cold in the air. It was February and I couldn't wait until it was somewhat warm out. Bad weather gets me in a bad mood.

When I got off of the bus, I went straight to my locker, grabbed a few binders and went straight up to Biology without removing any ear buds.

"Taylor, you look nice today!" said someone. Or at least I think they were talking to me. I took out an ear bud.

I looked at my clothes. I'm wearing what I wear everyday usually. Just some skinnies and a t shirt. Then I looked at my hair. Dull. It was dull. I had recently dyed it a dark dirty blonde color, but no one had ever noticed since it wasn't such a dramatic change from my natural hair.

"Thanks," I said. "And yourself too..." I am so awkward, oh my gosh Taylor...

My teacher always happens to be late so it gives the students sometime to work on some homework they haven't gotten to the night before.

"Hey guys, sorry again. I had to drop my daughter off at school again. She missed the bus." my teacher said, stumbling in the door way. All the students just rolled their eyes because this was basically a typical day for us.

I watched him as he took his jacket off and put his portable coffee mug down.

"So there's somethings I want to talk to you guys about..." he said, grabbing a stack of paper. I hope this isn't a project.

"We are going to be going on a feild trip to a museum. A local museum. When? Friday. So you all better be there..."

Everyone seemed happy. I was too. We never went on a field trip yet. Not even in any of my other classes. This has to be good. 

Nobody Will Break You. (Marianas Trench fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin