Chapter 3

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I knew I was completely idiotic to invite a total random stranger into my home, but this was Josh Ramsay...I knew him...right? No. I actually didn't know him. I know his name and his job. I know his personality, but I don't entirely know him as a person.

Josh and I sat down in my living room and put on the radio. The music genre that I really liked was rarely on because they don't have a radio station dedicated to punk bands. I just put on some hit radio station on medium and we sat there. 

Josh looked sort of sick. "You okay?" I said.

He looked up from his phone and replied, "Yeah, just a little hungry. Do you mind if I can actually eat something?"

"Yes, of course. Follow me." I made my way to the kitchen with Josh following behind me like a lost puppy as I looked frantically through my cupboards. 

"Actually, I have a better idea. We're going to go out." I said.

"Well, okay then," he chuckled.

"I'll be right back. I'm just going to grab some money." I ran up the stairs into my room. I noticed that I had a few MT t shirts laying on my bed and a poster on the wall. I covered the poster with a lamp of mine and went back down stairs.

"You ready?" I said.

"Yep!" Josh smiled.

I was walking into my kitchen to grab my car keys and then my phone started ringing. 

I looked at Josh, and gave him the "one second" gesture with my pointer finger.


"Yes honey, I'm afraid that we are going to be coming home for about a half hour and then leave." it was mom.


"Your father, brother, and I have to go to the border. We were just informed that your brother's friend is" her voice became faint.

"Wow, um okay. Well I'm actually going to go out with a friend right now for dinner so I don't know when you will be home when I get home, but I'll see you guys soon. Love you."

"I love you too, dear."

I ended the call.

"Is everything okay?" Josh said.

"Um, my parents are going to Canada for a few days...but other than that it's okay."

"Oh alright. You called me a friend." Josh laughed.

"More like a friendly stranger." I giggled.

We both got into my car and I drove to a local restaurant that I have always loved. Charlie's.

When we got inside, we went to the diner table and ordered our food.

"So tell me about yourself..." Josh said.

"Well what do you want to know?"

"What do you like?"

"Well," I smiled. "I like to sing and play guitar. As well as drawing. And enjoying music at its best."

"No kidding!" Josh said. "I knew I told you I was in a band, but I actually play guitar too. And I'm the lead singer."

"Really? That's awesome." Not much conversation was brought up.

"Well you said you liked music. Who's your favorite artist?"

"Artist?" I said.

"Or band." he smirked.

"Well, I do like A Day To Remember, All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, Of Mice & Men, Pierce The Veil."

"Wow, well which one of those is your favorite?"

"Marianas Trench." I didn't even realized I had said it until the words already came out. Why was I so nervous of letting Josh know that I really know who he is? Will I scare him off?

"They suck..." he chuckled and winked.

We both laughed. I guess he was cool with the fact that he's in my favorite band. Well, I guess this was good.

"Why do you like our music?" he said.

Oh boy. Where do I begin with this? Every single on of their songs mean the world to me. It's helped me through alot these past years.

"I guess you could say I can relate to 95% of them." I said.

Josh smiled big and I watched him as he looked down and there was a little dissapointment left in his face.

It was then when our food came. Josh ordered something that I had never really liked. I didn't know what it was, but it looked delicious.

We got back to my house and I felt sick. I had eaten everything off of my plate. It's been a while since I have done that. 

"Josh, do you need a place to stay the night? No one will be here. It'll be fine."

Josh still looked like he was out of his world. I wondered what he was thinking of.

"Um, yeah. Can I? That would be great. Ian was supposed to call me and set up a meeting place. Possibly a motel and he never got back to me on that. I'm sorry, I just feel so weird that I just met you. Like we  barely know anything about eachother. Well, I bet you know alot about me." Josh winked.

"It's no problem at all Mr. Ramsay." I smiled and began to walk up the stairs slowly to get changed for bed. It was already late and I was exhausted. 

Josh was standing there awkwardly next to the stair case. He looked so nice. He was wearing a t shirt under a zip up sweater and some black skinnies and converse. That man.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to change into something to sleep in." I said.

"Okay, I'll be back too. I just gotta run to my car and see if I have any clothes."

I walked up the stairs and I could tell my glancing at my parents' room that they were gone. Not only didn't I see their car in the driveway, but I noticed that their room was a mess. Which never happens.

I put on some cropped leggings and a t shirt. I almost kept on my MT shirt, but wouldn't that be awkward if I wore that? I kept on some tie dye shirt I made at a summer camp in middle school. It looked good because it fit my body in a loosely fitting way.

I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, I couldn't help but notice my elephant body in the mirror. I lifted up my t shirt and touched my belly. I began to cry. I couldn't stop crying, in fact I didn't realize how loud I was until I heard a knock on the door. 

"Yeah?" I sniffled. I noticed that I was on my knees next to my scale.

The bathroom door was unlocked and Josh came barging in. He was carrying some black zip up bag. It must be his clothes in there.

"Taylor, what are you doing?!" He knelt down beside me on the floor and I just kept crying. He held me in his arms.He moved me away from the scale and I turned into him, staring at that toilet. I just needed to. I make myself sick about once or twice a month, but I used to be really bad. No one had ever cared this much. I didn't even care if it was Josh Ramsay right now holding me. The thought of someone just being beside me for once makes me cry. I guess Josh is really beside me.

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