Chapter 12

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*Taylor's POV:

I awoke to the door bell going off, followed with some hard knocks. 

"COMING!" I called.

I propped myself out of bed. Where's Josh? He wasn't here and his stuff and clothes were gone from off my floor. 

I got up and went down the stairs. Josh already had gotten to the door before me. He was dressed and he looked clean. I walked past Josh and went to the downstairs bathroom. I did my business and went to wash my hands. I looked in the mirror. I noticed some left over make up from under my eyes. I had forgotten that Josh had seen all the cuts and scars on my body. I felt even more worthless. I had let Josh see everything personal on my body and I felt like I had no control over it. I didn't mind him seeing it at the end, because I knew we cared for eachother on the same level. Maybe not. I always seem to care more about a person. I get attatched easily.

I was so fat. Fat, fat, fat, fat, fucking fat. I hated myself. 

I walked out of the bathroom and Josh was sitting on my couch.

"Hey, Taylor. That was the tow. I called them and had them drop off my car instead."

"Oh, that would've been easier!" I said. I felt fake. I was trying to hide my anger and sadness.

"Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but I used your shower." Josh said.

"Of course, that's fine. When did you wake up?"

"Well it's about 9:30 right now so probably a little before 9." Josh said.

"OH FUCK!" I yelled.

"What?!" Josh said, standing up, startled.

"I fucking missed school again! It's Wednesday already!" 

"I can drive you if you want?!" Josh offered.

"No, it's fine. I'll just go tomorrow. So when are you leaving?" 

"Probably not until 11:45. It's gonna take me a few hours. I'm driving."

"Okay, that sounds about good. I'll be right back, I'm gonna shower." I said.

"Wait," Josh said. 

"Sup?" I said.

"Nevermind." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs to the bathroom.

When I got into the shower, I couldn't take my eyes off of my blade sitting on the ledge. I can't do it again. I can't. I hurried with my shower and stepped out. Damnit. I forgot my clothes again. I put on my towels and ran to my room secretly. I got changed into something a little nicer. I put on some dark jeans with some rips in them along with a black v neck and some vans. I brushed my hair and put some mascara on. 

When I got downstairs, Josh was on the phone.

I didn't want to bother him or get in the way of a conversation, so I just went into my living room and put on some TV.

Josh came out of the corner and sat next to me.

"We don't really know where Mike is. He's probably still in Vancouver." Josh said.

"Why? Was that Matt?" I asked.

"No," he saod. "Ian, actually."

"I want to meet the guys." I blurted.

"You will! Very soon!" Josh said.

"Will we ever see eachother again, Josh?" I said.

"I'm sure we will. I don't want to just drop're a great friend." Josh said. 

He hadn't noticed, but I had the biggest smile on my face.

"Josh, what did you have to tell me before I went to shower?" 

"I was going to say," he paused, "to not cut. For me. And I'm hoping you haven't."

"No, I haven't. I was tempted to, though. But I ignored it."

"Good. I'm very proud of you." Josh smiled.

"Thanks. Oh! Damn, Josh. I forgot that I have some Coke. Want some?!"

"What type?!" Josh said.

"I think I have diet and some zero."

"Well you know me!" Josh said, I got up and grabbed two Zeros.

Josh met me into the kitchen and we sat at my table drinking it. 

"You know what?" Josh said.

"What?" I said.

"Gimme your phone..." Josh said,

I handed him my phone and he gave it back seconds later. 

"What was that for?" I said. 

"You'll see!" Josh said as he took my Coke out of my hand and took a sip of it.

"JOSH! You have your own!" I called, trying to get it back.

"Nope! It's gone!" he said before he started to chug my Coke.

"GIVE. ME. THE. COKE." I said.

"You're vicious." Josh said, handing it back.

"Thanks, fucker." I said.

Josh stuck out his tounge at me. His tounge ring was so attractive.

"What do you want to do now?" I said, laughing.

"Well, come here!" Josh said. He got up and I followed him into my room. My room was clean finally. Josh picked up my blue saphire guitar.

"I didn't know you played." Josh said. 

"I do. A little bit. Well, I only know songs."

"Which songs?" Josh asked, handing over my guitar. The only songs I knew were mainly Marianas Trench and a few other bands. 

I grabbed the guitar and started strumming "Haven't Had Enough"

Testing, testing, I'm just suggesting you and I might not be the best thing. Exit, Exit, somehow I guessed it right. I sang.

Right. But I still want ya, want ya. Don't mean to taunt ya................ Josh began to sing.

Josh and I finished the song. 

"Wanna play one more?" Josh said.

"Sure!" I handed him my guitar.

Josh started to strum "Good To You". 

Everyone's around. No words are coming out. And I can't find my breath.....

I finished Kate's parts and Josh finished his. 

"You're really good." Josh said.

"No. You are. I love that song so much!" I said.

Josh put my guitar down and smiled. 

"I'm gonna miss you so much, Taylor." He said. He reached towards me and hugged me. 

"I'm gonna miss you too." I said holding back my tears.

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