Chapter 7

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*Taylor's POV:

Josh grabbed my arm with the fresh cuts on it. He backed away and I knew he noticed something wrong. I glanced at my arm and saw him watching me at the bottom of the steps. My bedroom door was wide open and I stood in the middle of the door way. My cuts had reopened. They were bleeding really bad. What do I do?

I finally put my arm down and watched Josh's face drop like every little speck of blood hit the floor. 

"Taylor! What happened? I'm so-" Josh said running up the stairs. He grabbed my arm. He was looking right at the blood. 

"It's no big deal. My bracelet just shifted when you grabbed my arm and it just cut a little bit! I'm fine!" I smiled. My cuts from earlier weren't exposed. Thank god.

Josh just held my arm. He looked sad and shut the door behind him. He sat on the floor and I sat across from him. 

"Taylor. You need to stop lying to me," Josh said as he grabbed my arm with all the dry blood on it. He didn't move my bracelets. They still weren't visible. Was he on to me?

"I'm actually fine, Josh. It was my bracelet. It just opened up an old cut from my neighbor's dog. But I'm actually gonna wash this dry blood off..." I got up and went to the bathroom. 

Does Josh know? I mean, I knew that he used to self harm, but I don't want him to know I do...Him finding out that I'm a Trencher is already too much. I put some bandaids on after I cleaned up the blood. 

I went back to my room in search for Josh, but he wasn't there. Where could he have gone? I feel like he knows my house more than I do.

I went downstairs and saw Josh talking on the phone.

"Matt, we're dating," "Well, I'll see you once I get in her pants and then after I stay here. I'm only using her to have somewhere to stay..." Josh spoke. I couldn't listen to it anymore. It was all interupted by my sobbing.

What? Is he talking about me? Who the fuck am I kidding? He is talking about me. Even if he wasn't, it hurt to hear him talk about another girl like that or a girl in general. I was standing on the stairs and fell down a few steps. I layed there, crying. I'm broken. Why do I even care?

"Taylor! Are you okay?! What happened?" He ran next to me trying to life my head up. 

I didn't answer. 

This repeated for about a few minutes until I couldn't hold it in anymore.

*Josh's POV:

I couldn't get over the fact that Taylor was lying to me. It hurt that she was actually lying to me. I became close to this girl in about a day and a half and I'm leaving tomorrow to go back into Canada. I need her.

My phone started to ring seconds after Taylor left to clean up the blood in the bathroom. I looked at the caller ID and it was Matt. I got up out of Tay's room and walked down stairs. 

"Hello?" I said.

"Aye, bro." Matt said.

"Hey Matt." 

"Where are we going to meet?" Matt said. "We need to play a show tomorrow night, remember?"

"I remember, Matt. But I think I'll just see you guys at the the show."

"Who the fuck is this?" Matt said.


"If it's about that girl that you're staying with then I'll be pissed. Unless you're dating her. If you were dating her it'd be a whole different story."

"...I am dating her..." I said. I just said it to get Matt the fuck out my god damn business. 

"Wait, really?"

"We're dating." I said.

"Well good. Have you fucked yet? And I miss you  bro so hurry up and come see us."

"Well, I'll see you once I get in her pants and then after I stay here. I'm only using her to have somewhere to stay." I chuckeled fakely. I'm so bad at joking around.

"Right, right. Well Ian & I are going to enjoy the last afternoon in Cali. Bye."

"Bye, Matt." I hung up.

I actually started to feel bad that I actually lied to one of my bandmates. I mean, he was my friend from highschool, and he always knew when I'd lie, so I figured he would notice. But I guess not.

OF course I didn't mean anything of those things about Taylor. I liked Taylor. I cared for her. Alot.


I looked behind me and Taylor was laying on the steps covering her face crying. I hope she hadn't heard what I said.

"Taylor! Are you okay?! What happened?" I said as I ran next to her trying to life her head up. 

She didn't answer. 

Why the fuck isn't she answering me?

"Taylor!" I said a few more times. I started to cry what's wrong with her? What did I do? Did I do anything? What happened?!

"I...can't...believe you...actually said that, Josh..." her voice trailed off. She still hasn't lifted her head up, but I was a little hopeful that she answered me. 

"What did I say?" I was confused.

"Don't act like you don't know! I overheard YOU!" She yelled. By now she lifted up her head and looked at me. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her face was red with some make up smeared on it. I couldn't take it. She took what I said the wrong way. How am I supposed to save my ass?

"Taylor, I was talking to Matt and I only said those things to get him out of my business! It's all untrue, I promise!" I said, reaching for her hand. She whipped her hand away and said,

"Don't touch me..." and she ran upstairs.

I broke. 

"Taylor, please! I can't LOSE you!" I blurted.

Taylor stopped half way up the stairs and slowly turned. Did what I say was wrong? I had to let her know. I mean, I didn't have legitamite feelings for her, but if this continued for a while, I definetely would. She's beautiful and funny and not like most girls.

"You...can't...lose me?" She said. She was looking forward to me now. I was just a few steps below her. I reached for her slowly and hugged her.

"I'm seriously beyond sorry, Taylor. What I said was false I only said those words to get Matt the fuck out of my business. I understand there are different ways to say something, but you know, I didn't know what to say. I was just in a hurry to get off the phone and make sure you were okay from bleeding. I swear." I said, while holding her.

"I believe you, I'm sorry for overreacting. I'm just so...fragile." she clenched me tighter. 

I looked down at her and she was smiling. 

Nobody Will Break You. (Marianas Trench fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now