Chapter 16

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*Taylor's POV:

I arrived at the mall. It was a little more calmed down than usual. I tried parking in the back of the mall, near the set up venue, but it was still mobbed. I parked in a parking space next to the enterence, which unfortunately meant that I had to walk around the parking lot to get to Josh. I grabbed my packed backpack and got out of the car, with my back on one shoulder.

As I made my way to the venue, I overheared a few teenage girls talking about Josh. They were probably 13-15 years old. It was muffled, but I all I could hear was them fangirling about Josh. They weren't typically Ramsay fangirls, but they just seemed to be talking about Josh at that moment. I chuckled. I remember when I did that. 

It was still freezing outside. It was only February and I only had on a light sweater. When I reached the venue, it was cleared out. I walked over to where Josh and I were last, the other parking lot. It wasn't far from where I was now. As I made my way over there, I saw a bus that was familiar. I knew it was the Marianas Trench bus because I've been to a few shows of their's and I've seen a picture of two. Should I risk it and just knock? I walked up to the bus and knocked. It was a big man who came to the door.

"Look. You need to leave. Show's over, Miss." the big man said. He looked like a security guard, but I didn't know that they had a security guard.

"No, you're misunderstood-" I got cut off.

"Hey, man. If she wants to come say hi she can, you know!" a voice said. He patted the big man on the shoulder and he came to the door. It was Mike. "So, do you want a picture or something?"

"No..." I said.

"An autograph...?" Mike said.

"No." I said.

"A hug? Come on girl, you gotta tell me what you want!" he laughed.

"Actually, I was invited here by Josh. We're friends. I'm Taylor." I smiled, holding out my hand.

"Oh, I've never heard about this. But okay. If you wanted to meet Josh you could've just said so..." he trailed off. He must've thought I was lying. "Josh! Come here, you got a fan!"

I heard a muffled 'Okay' in there. I waited outside. Maybe coming to their bus was the wrong idea.

"Hey!" Josh said stepping off of the bus.

"Hi. I don't think Mike believes me. He thinks I'm some sort of fangirl of yours. I tried explaining that we were friends, but he wasn't buying it for some reason." I laughed.

"Yeah, well that's Mike!" Josh said. "So you have your bag and everything?"

"Yes I do!" I smiled and turned to show him my bag.

"Good! So your parents believed you?"

"Yeah, I told them I was going camping or whatever. I don't think they'd have a problem with that!"

"I would hope not!" he smiled. "Okay, so you chose. We can ride on here or we can take a car?"

"Let's ride here!" I said. I've always wanted to live on a bus for a night.

"Alrighty then." he said. He turned around and mumbled 'after you' to get on the bus.

The bus was really nice. There was a kitchen area with a counter and everything you'd usually find in a kitchen. There were bunks and it was a really narrow walkway into the back where there was a lot of couches and a tv. 

I walked myself around and realized that Josh, Mike, and I were the only ones on the bus. 

"Where's Ian and Matt?" I asked.

"They'll be here soon," Mike said,

"They're signing a few things with fans." Josh added.

I smiled and looked around. Wow. I was the Marianas Trench tour bus. This is amazing.

We waited about 10 more minutes or so, when I heard the bus doors open. Matt and Ian were playfully arguing about something. I stood up, unsure of what to do. I felt like an intruder. Should I have asked the rest of the band's permission?

"Well, who do we have here?" Ian said, smiling.

"I uh, I'm Taylor." I smiled, and held out my hand.

Ian gave me a rude look, staring at my hand. "Girl, put that hand away. I don't do handshakes, hug me!" Ian pulled me in for a hug. 

I just giggled nervously.

"And this is Matt... I don't know why he isn't being polite." Josh said.

"Josh, it's fine. Hi, Matt." I said.

"Hi, Taylor. Sorry I had my mind on somethings. How are you?"

"Fine, you?"

"Good." Matt said and walked away.

Everything from there just got super awkward. Matt went into his bunk, and Ian and Mike went into the back to play Halo. There was just Josh and I sitting in the front of the bus. 

This was probably a mistake.

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