Chapter 2

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The rest of the day dragged on as it usally does.  

I arrived home. I noticed a note on the kitchen table.

"Going to be out for about an hour or two for a parent teacher conference. We'll be home soon. ♥-mom and dad."

Hmm. That'd be fine. I usually prefer to stay home alone. I just stay to myself. I went up the stairs and into my room. When I entered my room, I picked up my guitar started to strum. The way my guitar stares at me sometimes, I just have to give in. I picked up my blue saphire guitar. I loved this guitar. The blue reminds me of a combination between Josh Ramsay's eyes and blue hair. I smiled and starting singing.....

Everyone's around. No words are coming out. And I can't find my breath can we just say the rest with no sound? And I know this isn't enough, I still don't measure up-----



Who could be at the door? I usually never get the door because I'm always up here. That or I never hear the door over my music. My parents said that they were going to be home in about an hour or two......I began to walk downt the stairs and when I came to the door I whipped it open. 

It was a familar man wearing sunglasses and a jacket frantically typing on his phone.

We both didn't realize that we were face-to-face for about 10 awkward seconds without saying anything until I muttered, "Uhh, can I help you?"

"Oh, yeah...right. Hi. Um my phone doesn't work here in the states because it was wired up in Canada, so I was wondering if I could possibly use your phone..." he said slightly awkward.

"Um, yeah...come this way." I know I shouldn't of just let some man come into my home like that while I was home alone, but I did have my cell phone in my pocket in case of anything. I lead him to my computer room, where there was my house phone. I handed him the phone.

He looked really worried and I felt really bad. I have always had the habit of feeling completely horrible for someone for the dumbest reasons.  I looked at my outfit. I still had my skinnies and my t on. But I had a sweatshirt over my t shirt from coming home from school. I didn't realize I hadn't taken it off. 

I noticed that I was awkwardly standing next to him while he was having a conversation. So I walked away a few feet to my kitchen and started picking up a few things to not make it so messy. After that, I came back into the room where the man was and I started to clean a bit in there. He was probably inside my home for about 10 minutes. I noticed he had taken his sun glasses off. And then at that moment, I realized who the man was. Why didn't his blue hair give it away? I've always been mesmorized by his eyes. But he had his sunglasses on this whole time.

A mixed feeling between excitement and nervousness filled my body. I was shaking. In a really dramatic way, I walked another few feet to my bathroom and looked in the mirror.  I was smiling but in my eyes you could tell I was worried or nervous. I rubbed my eyes and left the bathroom. My emotions always were an open book for other people to read. 

Josh was waiting outside of the bathroom. 

"Is everything alright?" I said.

"Um yeah I guess. Actually no. I came through here to do a small show for my band at some bar or whatever in Vancouver and we all decided to go seperately. I became lost and my car broke I guess I'm stuck here for 2 days."

"Is that when your show is?" I said. That was right. I remembered Ian tweeting about putting together a small gig in Van City.

"Yeah..." he said. I acted like I have never even heard of the band Marianas Trench. I didn't want to seem too eager. I was screaming in the inside. The man that I've watched on YouTube and in concert so many times is standing in my house...right beside me.

"Well, you could stay here until you figure some things out...I mean my parents don't come home until another hour or two. So you should be good." 

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude. But I mean, you have a big TV right here..." he pointed at the 50" TV I have.

"Really?" I was shocked. I was very sure he had a bigger one. I mean come on. It's Ramsay.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "I'm Josh." he smiled. I already knew that.

"Hi Josh, I'm Taylor." I smiled. I couldn't stop smiling. 

"It's nice to meet you, Taylor!" Josh said as he smiled at me. 

This is really great.

*Author's Note: Taylor lives in the U.S. on the North Dakota border.* 

Nobody Will Break You. (Marianas Trench fan fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt