Chapter 23

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*Kevvy's POV:

I needed sometime to stall. I didn't want Matt to know I was dating his cousin. I mean, after months and months of Matt being upset about not hearing about Jess, I was there for him, with Jess. But he never knew. 

I did miss the boys though. They were my best friends. I needed to see them, and it was enough hiding.

I told Matt that I was on my way to the hotel when I was actually in the hotel the entire time. I sat in our hotel bed and watched Jess pace around the room.

"Jess, you'll be okay. Shit, I'm even more nervous than you." I said.

"Kevvy, I pushed Matt out of my life, and now I'm dating his bestfriend? How do you think he will take that?" 

Hmm. "If anything, he will take it out on ME, not YOU. Therefore you're fine."

"Ugh." Jess moaned.

"Come here, boo." I called. I loved calling people boo. Not only but my Zombie Babies, but definitely Jess. 

Jess came over and sat beside me on the hotel bed. I put my arm around her and kissed her cheek. 

"I need more time," Jess said.

"...If you say so..." I texted Matt and told him we were on our way soon. "Say we go in about 10 minutes?"

"10 is good."


"Alright, let's hurry up before I get cold feet." Jess said, I smiled.

I got up from the bed and opened up our door for her. As we got into the elevator she was pacing again. 

"KEV, I CAN'T DO THIS!" Jess said.

"Jess, you have no choice. You're already in an elevator." I hugged her as she calmed down. "We'll be okay." 

As we got over to the elevator, the boys were standing in the lobby. They couldn't see us yet.

"I need to go to the bathroom, I need to calm myself down... I'll meet you down there."

"Alrighty, if you say so." I wasn't as nervous anymore. I mean, since I was approaching them without Jess, they'd think it's normal.

I went up to Matt and gave him a bro hug. 

"Where's the girlfriend?!" The boys asked.

"Oh, well, uh... she's in the bathroom." 

A few moments later Jess showed up behind me. I casually put my arm around her. 

"JESS?!" Matt yelled.

This wasn't the good side of Matt. Can you believe that there was a bad side of Matt Webb?

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