Chapter 8

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Later that day:

*Taylor's POV:

After this whole Josh-Matt incident, I was just focused on spending time with Josh before he had to leave for his show tomorrow. I didn't want him to leave. He was the only one that was there for me, ever.

I looked at the clock. It was 4:13 p.m. Josh and I were just sitting on the couch flipping through the channels for the past hour. The thing with Josh and I is that we weren't awkward after I freaked on him. I just mainly feel embarassed right now, because I made a big deal out of nothing. But maybe not, because Josh knew how much it had really hurt me.

"So why do you like us?" Josh said.

"Us?" I answered.

"The band. Like besides the fact that you can relate to the lyrics."

"Well, I am not going to lie, but I really did watch interviews with you guys, and you guys just make me laugh. I don't know, you guys are just the type of people that everyone seems to like to be around." I giggled. Was that too much information?

"Who do you like the best? And why?"

"I like you all equally!" I proclaimed.

"Fine, then tell me what you like about Mike, Matt, Ian, and I?"

"Well. With Mike, he just comes off as the type of guy that's a great friend. Plus I've heard he gives good hugs from some other fans," I paused. "I like Matt because of his humor. Especially with Kevvy. And his music is pretty cool too! Ian, he just seems like a total goofball, and he comes off as the type of guy to always try to make you laugh when you're down." I said.

"Matt is a douche bag. Same with Ian. And Mike. But I love them."

"Yeah!" I giggled.

"Well, what about me?" Josh said shyly.

"You," I paused. "What do I like about Josh Ramsay? I like how you're a goof ball." I paused again. All good things were coming to mind when I thought of Josh. "I like how your song lyrics literally put me into a good mood instantely. I love how when I listen to your voice from the ear phones or speakers of my iPod, you're there for a way. I can relate to the lyrics more than I could relate to a twin of mine, if I had one. But, yesterday when you were literally there for me, next to me... I couldn't believe it. It felt just as nice when you actually sang to me..." I trailed off.

Josh moved closer to me.

"That's so sweet, Tay!" he hugged me.

"It kind of sounds corny, now that I look back on to what I just said..."

"Aw, no. It was cute!" Josh said.

"Cute?" The fuck?

"Yes, cute."

"You probably hear that a billion a day from Twitter and the letters you recieve."

"I admit, I do. But not the way you just said it. I was actually in literal terms, beside you."

"You were..." I said.

"What do you want to do? I have to leave tomorrow morning and I promised you we would do something fun!"

"Okay! I'll be right back, I'm going to get my cell and freshen up!" 

"Okay, Taylor." he said.

I ran up the stairs and did what I had to do.

*Josh's POV:

After Taylor went to her room, I got a text.

Who could this be? Most likely Twitter. Oh wait, nope. It was Mike.

Hey, Josh. Really, where are you? I won't tell Matt.

What is this? Tattle tale?

Aye, bro. I'm actually staying at some girl's house.

Josh, who is this girl? How the hell did you end up there?

Well, I was driving around and decided to go through the states to get there for some dumb reason, and I ended up here at this house with a dead car and phone.

What if I didn't end up here by mistake?

Nice, dude. Everyone just keeps talking about it. How old is this girl?

16, but there's nothing to worry about. I'll meet you guys at the show tomorrow. I have to go, dude. Talk to you later!

I set down my phone and flipped through the channels once again.

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