missing homework

667 24 2

age for this chapter: 15


you were currently sat in third period, which was unfortunately maths and none of your friends were in the same lesson. the amount of hatred you had towards your maths teacher who doesn't even teach properly but then set homework on stuff you haven't learnt yet !


you were humming a small tune while doing the work. 'i guess it's not that difficult if you get the hang of it.' you thought.

the one hour of maths d r a g s. the only person you talked too was moved to the other side of the classroom while your stuck sitting next to someone ever since the last two seating plans.

you sighed while doing some mindless doodles on the corner of your pages hoping for it to pass time quickly.

"hmm, i wonder what jins gonna cook for dinner tonight..." you wondered. what you didn't realise was your maths teacher looming over you with his fingers up like he's counting.

your classmates then began to whisper your name while indicating with their head that someone was behind you which resulted in you turning around to be met with....

your maths teacher staring right down at you. ( well actually the crotch area because your sitting and he's standing but 😀 ).

"work or its a c1*" he said before going back to the student that needed help.

* c1 is a consequence in my school. c1 is just a normal consequence ayer ignoring the warnings you get beforehand. c2 is a 1 hour detention. and c3 is a two hour detention.

"what a shithole this is, especially this maths teacher" you thought before going back to do your work.


you could hear everyone around you starting to pack up since it's nearly time for fourth period.

"who said you can pack up?" your math teacher asked.

"...but sir it's time to go or we will be late?!!" a classmate replied back.

"you got four minutes left. you could use that time to do maths." he said before going back to his computer.

"this bitch did not. it takes 5 minutes to walk to science and that would result me in a detention*" you thought before quietly packing away your pens into your blazer pocket.

* new rule in my school, five minutes late and you got yourself an hour detention unless you have a real good reason why.

"before you pack away. you all had homework due in yesterday. people that fail to do the homework, email has been sent home. now you can pack away." your maths teacher said.


"pass the books down to the side and the people at the side can go put it at the box at the back". he said before dismissing you all row by row.


opening the front door to be met with jin is not something unusual but him standing there with his phone in his hand with one of his eyebrows raised ( 🤨 ). which indicated he has received the email about your missing maths assignments. plural. more than one homework that's not due in.

"what happened to your maths homework missy." jin said.

"erm..." you pondered in thought.

"well like, he hasn't taught us it and i don't know how to do it." you replied before trying to get past jin.

"get yoongi to help you, be finished before dinner or no dinner for tonight." jin replied back before heading to the kitchen leaving you slumped with your school bag over your shoulder.

you sighed before going upstairs into yoongi's room.

to find that he wasn't there. "might as well get comfy while waiting for him" you thought before plopping yourself on his bed.

not even five minutes after you closed your eyes yoongi appeared right in front of you face saying "heard you got maths homework that you need help with" scaring the living soul of out you.

snapping your eyes open you nodded before getting over to his computer and login onto DrFrost Maths* to get your 12 missing assignment over and done with.

*a maths website where my maths homework is set. used to be hegarty maths but apparently a company brought it down. then i also heard it was expensive so they switched to a free maths website.


"wasn't that hard was it?" yoongi questioned after finishing all 12 assignments.

"yeah ? that's what they all say." you thought and mentally rolled your eyes.

"yeah.. thanks brother" you said before skipping out his room just in time for jin shouting that it was dinner time.

settling yourself on the dinner table, you couldn't help but thank the gods that you'll be getting a new maths teacher next year but then can't help but feel bad that your thankful your math teacher is leaving.

"have you finished your homework ?" jin questioned.

"yes~" you replied back, "but what's the point. we have calculators."

"yeah. i agree" jungkook said nodding his head.

jin threw you both stern looks before eating again.

"maths helps you in the future-" namjoon piped up.

"don't want to hear it" you groaned.

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