SS:2 Part:6

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Bondita gasped, her eyes shot open as she sat up, almost falling off the bed.

With one hand over her aggressively pounding heart, she jerked her neck to her left.The origin of the loud noise that woke her up was the alarm clock, held in the hands of barrister babu, who looked like he usually does- angry.

Why is he angry?
I am the one who woke up to the awfully loud ringing of this stupid alarm clock.

Bondita was jerked out of her thoughts the same way she was jerked out of sleep by the same person. She looked at him like he was insane. She didn't doubt the assumption, she had full faith that he was indeed insane.

A load thud echoed in the room as the now quiet alarm clock laid broken on the floor, a few inches away from the foot of the bed where a panting Bondita sat glaring at a rather calm looking Anirudh.

Bondita let out a sharp sigh, a crystal clear indication of the annoyance she felt at the moment. Anirudh was still just looking at her. To Bondita, his outer appearance screamed calmness. Her act of breaking the clock didn't affect him, or so she thought. She wasn't able to read his emotionless eyes.

Bondita turned her back to him before laying back on the mattress. She pulled the sheets over her head, not sparing another glance to him.

A mistake.

One that he wasn't going to look over.

~Anidita~ of Love and DesireWhere stories live. Discover now