6. Fuck This World

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[ 6 ]

Soovin strolled through the hallways, casually and slowly walking towards his class.

There was still a lot of time in his class and his friends had left for their classes.

He kept his gaze on the ground trying to maintain a uniform trail of his foot steps.

He stopped when he noticed a pair of shoes in front of him. He slowly looked up, surprised to see who it was.

Yeonjun quietly stood in front of soobin, finding it hard to maintain eye contact or even say anything.

"yes?" soobin finally asked.

"you're blocking my way"

Soobin turn his head to look back at the classroom door that he had passed because of his absent mind.

"sorry" he closed his eyes in embarrassment before walking into the class with yeonjun.

"we didn't exchange phone numbers yesterday" yeonjun said as they settled on their seats.

"you want my phone number?" soobin's eyes lit up slightly.

"uh for the project"

"oh" soobin nervously laughed enforce taking out his phone for yeonjun to write his number in it.

He then called the number so that yeonjun can have his number.

They sat in silence for a while, but soobin saw this as a perfect opportunity to ask yeonjun out on a date, for the project of course.

"so where do you want to meet up?" soobin asked


"for the project"

"right anywhere would be fine"

"okay this hopeless" soobin tried not to sigh when he heard the response.

Of course it went silent again. But they managed not to feel awkward. The silence was comfortable with teh otehr students talking until the teacher arrived.

"you can join us again for lunch today you know, everyday infact anytime you want" soobin started again "my friends would want you around more"

Soobin started to grow anxious when he heard no response for a while but after a few seconds yeonjun subtly nodded.

He smiled to himself before standing up to greet their teacher who had just entered.

[ § ]

It was awkward again. The five sat together for lunch.

Soobin stole glances at yeonjun from time to time. Kai had a small scowl on his face not exactly liking the new company. Taehyun was not bothered as he preferred eating in silence.

Beomgyu, on the other hand, was finding it really hard to stay quiet. Seeing yeonjun, he instantly wanted to start talking to him and befriend him.

"okay that's enough you all need to start talking"

"No we don't" taehyun quietly munched on his lunch.

Beomgyu figured if they keep this awkward silence for any longer, yeonjun will eventually start feeling guilty for joining them.

He got up and grabbed his lunch and bag "you know what were gonna do something fun"

They all exchanged confused glances before following beomgyu to what seemed like the rooftop.

The place was completely empty. No student comes to the rooftop especially during lunch. There have been rumours roaming around the school regarding it being the most haunted place at school.

These rumour were of course spread by these four idiots. Kai had suggested this idea so that they could keep this place to themselves. The others praised him for finally doing something that requires using his brain.

Beomgyu harshly dropped his bag on the ground and it made many clink sounds.

"no way" kai exclaimed.

"you brought spray paints?"

They all, except for yeonjun, immediately grabbed beomgyu's bag and dug in for a spray can each.

They went to a wall and started spraying on it, wrote and drew whatever they want. Not like anyone is ever gonna come and check or even find out who did it.

Yeonjun, on the other hand, quietly examined what they were doing. Soobin noticed this and realised yeonjun had probably not done anything like this before.

He probably just studied in school and went back home without associating himself with any drama.

Of course everyone in class, including soobin, was aware of how perfect yeonjun's grades were. The lowest grade he has ever gotten was probably a B.

Soobin was about to hand yeonjun a can before he saw beomgyu reach out to him.

Beomgyu shoved a blue spray paint into yeonjun's hands and pushed him towards the wall. "do something"

"like what?" the three head him talk for the first time.

"anything you want" taehyun urged him.

Yeonjun pressed a finger on top of the can, flinching slightly at the noise coming from it.

Yeonjun then smiled before properly grabbing the can and spelling out a large "fuck this world" on the wall in capital letters.

The others then joined him and started spraying as well until the heard something.


They all cursed under their breath and quickly grabbed their empty bags and spray paints and hid behind another wall the teacher probably won't check.

After a few minutes of searching and not finding anything, the teacher gave up and went back down.

They let out their breaths and exchanged a few glances before they burst out laughing at the stupid thing they had just done.

"maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all"


These chapters are soobin's pov but yeonjun's side of the stroy will be revealed in a while.

Pretty - C.YJ + C.SB Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora