28. Getting Better

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[ 28 ]

"yeonjun I have things to do you know"

"if you had gone to school and learned how to write we wouldn't be here in the first place

Who The fuck writes bread like that. With this list I doubt I'm gonna end up buying anything at all" yeonjun squinted his eyes at the piece of paper in his hand.

Jungkook had sent him to do the groceries a while ago and yeonjun has been trying to decipher his boss' writing ever since.

He finally grew tired and called jungkook for help because it's his fault to begin with.

"all right you know what I'll just text you the list" yeonjun was about to say something but jungkook continued "but it's gonna take a while so calm your impatient ass"

And he hung up. Great.

Now yeonjun has to roam around in the grocery store until jungkook sends him the list.

He sighed and put his phone away and looked up, spotting a familiar face in one of the isles.

He blinked, thinking he was mistaken but it's was surely her. The woman had the same scowl on her face and was as drunk ever.

Yeonjun scoffed. Nothing was new.

Just when he didn't wnat anything to do with any of them, he keeps seeing them everywhere.

He didn't want to be seen by her because the bitch would surely make a scene which was bound to gain attention he didn't want.

Surely groceries can wait. Not that jungkook would know if he left and came back after a while.

[ § ]

Yeonjun walked on the quiet roads. It was still early in the morning and he has the habit of walking to school early.

His mind suddenly went back to the small date he had with his boyfriend the other day.

The thought of the bunny he saw and how cute he was. But then again he sees a cute bunny everyday.

He chuckles when he remembered soobin being jealous of the same bunny.

He put his head up when he was about to the enter through the gate but turned around to glance at a figure in the corner of his eye.

He froze.

Why is this happening again? They don't know about his school. Why does he keep seeing them hen he doesn't want to?

He quickly walked through the gate before his uncle could get a glimpse of his figure.

The hair on his arms stand as he tries to brush off the creepy feeling while walking to his class.

Just when things were starting to get better.

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