Chapter XI:"Christmas Miracle"

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A month had passed since I took that fall from the Harrington House. I sat in the cold infirmary that stunk of ammonia. I had a throbbing pain in my right pinky finger due to the fall. I found out that I had sprained my finger and even though a month has gone by since the injury, it still hurt pretty bad. I had to periodically go to the nurse for an occasional ice pack and some mild pain meds.

As I walked on over to Nurse McRae, I banged my hand on a table. It happened to touch my injury.


"Hm, here's an ice pack." Nurse McRae rolled on her office chair with wheels toward the refrigerator then threw me an ice pack.

"Thanks..." "And two pain relievers please." I awkwardly said.

"Honey, you're gonna have to ease up on the pills. You're in here it seems every other day." Nurse McRae remarked as she gave me a dirty look.

I sighed and left the infirmary. Maybe I needed to see an ACTUAL doctor about my finger. Putting ice on it and taking over the counter meds for it probably isn't enough.


The Christmas pageant was coming up and Petey had a part in it, so he invited me to watch him at practice. Since he and I are good friends, I'd love to show him my support. So I was on my way to the auditorium to cheer him on. As I entered the auditorium, I noticed the other students that were in the play. I saw Eunice, Cornelius, Sheldon, Pedro, and Melody in the play. I also saw Mandy. Mandy had hair, though. It was probably a wig that she got at some store in Old Bullworth Vale. I sat down in one of the audience chairs.

They were practicing under Miss Peters's wing. I looked for Petey walking down the aisles of the cramped auditorium, then suddenly Mandy twirled under Miss Peters directions and BAM!  her wig flew off onto Sheldon. The children screamed in fear.

"Mandy's bald?!" Pedro squeaked. 

Sheldon and Pedro screamed, while Eunice broke out in laughter. Pete had a mortified look plastered all over his face.

"AHHH!!" Mandy screamed as she ran backstage in embarrassment. You could hear her bawling in the distance.

I mean, I felt bad, but you gotta admit, it was pretty funny. I let out a small chuckle but immediately cleared my throat and regained my composure.

"I'm not doing it! I'm not doing it anymore! This is too humiliating!!" I heard Mandy scream backstage.

Mandy ran out into the aisles of the auditorium and stormed out, the door slamming behind her.

Miss Peters walked onto the stage. "Oh, crap." She sighed. "Alright then, I guess we don't have a female lead in the pageant anymore then. I'll figure it out eventually, until then I guess I'll be Clara."

They needed a female lead... I think I could pull that off. Plus, I liked Miss Peters. I wouldn't mind doing her a favor. I also had some Christmas spirit in my heart. So why not show the gratitude?

I stood up from my seat and said, "Miss Peters, I could be the lead!"

Miss Peters looked pleasantly surprised. Her eyebrows raised and her mouth in a flashy grin.

"Oh, that's perfect! Come on stage!"

I walked toward the stage and as soon as I entered the stage, Miss Peters gave me a big hug.

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