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I'm bad at starting stories- bare with me.


Dream ran through the streets, dodging around the corner swiftly.
"SHIT SHIT-" he quickly hopped over a barrel, continuing to run throughout the alleyway.


Dream looked back, seeing a few guards run after him... not good.
"A shit.. JUST LET IT SLIDE!" He quickly turned a corner as he continued running.

They continued to chase after Dream- but.. thankfully the one advantage he has against these guards..- was he knew this city like back of his hand.

He knew there was a ladder once he turns the corner up a head... if he can run up it fast enough and climb up it... he will be safe... the guards always fall for it.


Dream quickly turned and climbed up the ladder, easily making his way onto the roof before soon watching as the guards looked confused below...

"He couldn't have gotten far! Check down there- I'll head down to the tavern!" One of the Guards pointed before running off- the others soon splitting up.

"Holy... shit..." Dream climbed up the roof- panting as he flopped on the roof.
"Christ.." he held the bag firmly.
"Dinner for me~"

"Did you get them...?"

"Wow.. that's all you care about?? I just ran throughout the fucking city to get these! And nearly got arrested.. and you care about these??!" Dream glanced over, seeing his companion.
"But yes- Indeed I did sappy." He held up a bag, smirking
"The best sunsettia's In mondstadt in my grasp once again."

"Thank god! How did you get them again!" Sapnap sat next to the blonde, shocked that Dream was able to get them.
"There's so many" he saw the full bag.

"I flirted with the daughter of the merchant again and she helped just a little~" Dream had a proud look.
"These looks help out a lot Y'know." He glanced over at the large statue, before back at his bag.
"Now.. let's dig in!"

The two began to eat the fruits- watching the gates of the town- as many people entered.. all- different..? Strange.

"What's with them...?" Dream looked over, seeing a bunch of differently... dressed... travellers..?
"They're not from this part of teyvat.. there wearing something else, weird.. clothes..?"

"They're not from here idiot, that's why."
Sapnap happily grabbed one, taking a bite out of it.
"So- did you hear about the festival..?" He hummed, glancing over.

"Festival..? Is this what all.. the decoration is..?" Dream looked over, seeing a bunch of decorations around.
"It's.. different from normal festivals here..." he shrugged.

"Mhm.. its about who gets to join the knights." Sapnap shrugged, continuing to take a bite of sunsettia once more.
"It's basically a fighting tournament... but there's also a music festival for dancers across teyvat, apparently people from all over teyvat are here since this dumb city need some knights and offering a some."

"Really...? Inazuma as well...?" Dream looked shocked, looking over at the gate once more.
"Wow.." he's never seen people from inazuma before.
"I thought they closed they boarders."

"Mhm..Apparently Snezhnaya is here as well." Sapnap laid down on the roof, humming.
"They're probably just gonna get some fatui member to fight.." he shrugged.
"A bunch of cheaters I say."

"Do you think- other people from sumeru will be there...?" Dream spoke quietly, glancing over at Sapnap.
"Or.. just me-?" He hummed.

"Nope, just your dumbass." Sapnap looked over, seeing the sad look on dreams face.
"I mean.. maybe..?" He shrugged, sitting up.
"I don't know yet- but probably due to Eleazar, no one will be here."

"I hope there will be people from Sumeru." Dream looked down at the gate.
"So... all the nations are gonna be here..?" He looked at a few.. they seem to be from liyue.
"Is that such a good idea..?"

Sapnap shrugged, pointing down.
"You could always take part I guess..? Instead of some random fatui." He cussed under his breath, looking over the edge.
"I don't trust them."

"Well I can't..I don't know how to use my ... what's this called again....?" Dream pulled out the small trinket.
"Uh.." he tilted his head.

Sapnaps eyes widened as he stared at dreams hand... how the hell.
"YOU HAVE A FUCKING VISION?!" He stared at the green vision.

"Oh.. yeah." Dream looked at it, holding it up.
"I don't know what to do with it.. it's .. useless..?" He shrugged, grumbling under his breath.

"YOU-" Sapnap stared at Dream.
"WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU GET A VISION?!" He stared back at the vision.

Dream lightly shrugged.
"Dunno... just kinda.. appeared..?" He stretched his arms, looking over at the gate.
"It's at least green..? I got it a few weeks ago"

"YOU STUPID DUMB BITCH." Sapnap smacked the back of dreams head.
"NO ONE JUST RANDOMLY GETS THESE! ITS SPECIAL!" He pointed at dream, scoffing..

Dream was still puzzled.
"Soo... there good..?" He placed it on his lap, staring at it.
"That's good."

"YEAH! Literally no one gets these! Like.. 1 out of 1000 people get one!... the archons only give them to a selective few?!" Sapnap stared at Dream in disbelief... how could this idiot not know?! There known very well amongst teyvat.

"Oh." Dream shrugged, holding it up in the sun.
"I was thinking I could sell it for a few pieces of mora." He hummed, swaying it back and forth.
"Then I can buy food."

"NO!" Sapnap punched dreams shoulder.
"Your keeping this! Even if it means selling everything else you own!! This is important!" He scrunched his nose, standing up.
"You.. keep.. this."

Dream grumbled as he rubbed his shoulder.
"okay..." he muttered, looking down at the gate once more.
"Who the fuck are they??"

He quickly notice two fairly dressed individuals stand at the main gate... guarded by..? Snezhnaya guards..?

Sapnap looked over, his eyes widening.
"OH SHIT- YEAH IM OUT OF HERE-" he quickly climbed his way further up.
"They are fatui- I'm gone, and you should too.."

Dream was puzzled once more, glancing at the two.
"But- one seems to be our age...? Do you think they would wanna hang out..?" He tilted his head, humming.
"Show them the town..?"

"Man- people a sumeru are way to friendly." Sapnap glared back at Dream- shaking his head.
"You don't mess with the fatui, they're terrible people." He said firmly, pointing at the gates.
"I'm going to go check out the sign up list.... What are you gonna do..?"

"Meh- probably try and find something to drink." Dream stared back at the entrance, he was curious about the two.
"Maybe sign up for that festival thing as well." He's never seen someone from the cryo region.

"Pfft- good luck... it's a fighting competition." Sapnap rolled his eyes before he slid down the ladder, leaving Dream on his own.
"You're weak."

Dream looked over, he was curious on the individual.... Who were they..? They seemed way to young to take part in a fighting.


Dream jumped, looking down and seeing a bunch of guards.
"Ah shit.." he grumbled.

Total word count: 1207

Sorry I'm not good at starter chapters- and I promise it will get better.

.: At blades end we meet :. Dnf Genshin AuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora