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George waved before he turned.
"Bye Karl! Have a nice evening!" He smiled before walking off.
"I'll see you tomorrow."

Karl waved. "Bye George! Bye Dream!" He chuckled before walking away.
"Have fun! Especially you dream!"

Dream just hummed, quickly following after George.
"So.. what now?" He tilted his head.
"What are we gonna do?"

George jumped, looking over and seeing Dream.
"Oh, your following me." He chuckled.
"I assumed you were gonna go with Karl and hang out!"

"Nah, I'm following you." Dream nudged George with his arm.
"I prefer spending time with you more." He smiled, nodding.
"It's fun."

George's gaze softened as he felt happy.
"Well- im glad you like spending time with me." He looked forward.
"It's nice."

"Soo~ about that chance~" Dream nudged George's shoulder.
"Am I allowed to date the all mighty harbinger." He smiled.

The blonde was about to follow- but got distracted by another individual...

George smiled, walking forward.
"I don't see why not" he glanced back, expecting a reaction.
"Dream..? You there?"

The brunette soon noticed that the blonde was distracted at another individual.. having a focused gaze.

"Oh." George's looked over and saw he was staring a girl worker, his gaze soon sorrowed a bit before he weakly smiled.
"Dream..?" He tilted his head.

"Huh- Oh! Yeah?" Dream quickly snapped his head back towards George.
"What is it??" He smiled.

George softly chuckled before nudging his head.
"If you want to go talk to her, go ahead.. I gave you enough mora to surely ask her out to dinner." He hummed before turning around, walking away.
"I'll be at my room."

Dream was about to walk towards her but froze, looking back at George.. wait- did George just tell him to ask her out?
"Wait.." his gaze softened.

was George sad..?

.: George POV :.

Once George made his way towards the stairs.. he frowned- pinching the bridge of his nose.

"How could I be such an idiot to fall so quickly .." George sighed softly, running his hand through his hair.
"Why did I decided to show feelings for a guy I met yesterday?!" he hurtfully chuckled.

He was hoping that Dream cared the same way he did... more of a fling as he thought- but.. it was dream only teasing most likely.

George took a deep breath before continuing up the steps.
"I'll just deal with these emotions as they will soon go away." He shrugged, making his way up.
"They will eventually."

Once he did- he noticed a sign up book on a podium.. some- adventure guild member asleep next to it.

"Hm..?" George walked over.. this is the sign up for the fighting competition.
"I guess I'll sign up.. only for the last moment sign ups.. most don't get in anyway." He picked up the pen of the side and began to write his fake name in the book.

Once he was done he placed the pen down, walking back towards his sleeping quarters... this day ended horribly.


George changed into more comfortable clothing, walking out towards his balcony.
"God- I hate the god forsaken city." He said firmly.
"Full of the smell of alcohol."

He adjusted his mask before sitting down, leaning against the stone fenced wall... he felt like shit and he didn't understand.

George laid comfortably on the bed, extremely confused.
"Why am I so upset over this? I don't even know him that well." He mumbled to himself.
"Her majesty won't be happy.."

.: At blades end we meet :. Dnf Genshin AuWhere stories live. Discover now