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Once the two changed, George guided Dream back towards the carriage.

"What are you doing..?" Dream watched as George went through a few bags in the carriage.
"You are movie everything around."

George continued searching.. soon pulling out a small box.
"I wanted to wait till liyue to give you this." He stood up.
"But I wanna give it too you now."

Dream tilted his head.. watching George walk towards him- making his way out of the carriage.

"It is not the fanciest gift." George held the box up to Dream.
"But I saw it when I was out and thought you'd like it." His ears pinned back.

Dream was puzzled, carefully taking the box and opening it...

It was a holder for his vision so he would never lose it... and it would stay with him.

"It's green too..." Dreams eyes widened.. seeing the gold framed holder with green gem designs all along it..
"Wow.." he looked at the chain that connected to the bottom of the frame.. having a green crystal hang at the bottom of that chain.

"It's an emerald vision holder.." George held up dreams vision.
"So you would never lose it." He looked down.. he thought it was a dumb gift..
"Sorry if you don't like it.. I can change it."

After a few moments of no response- George decided to look up- seeing why Dream was so quiet.

George looked up, seeing Dream stare at the vision holder.. almost having a tear'd up like look.
"Dream?" He tilted his head.

"I don't want it changed, I really like it." Dream held it, looking up at George.
"Thank you." He smiled happily.

George happily smiled, holding his hand out.
"Then.. here." He held dreams vision out.. it was laying in a pile of stuff.
"So you never lose it."

Dream carefully took his vision, carefully sliding it on the holder.
"How do I put it on..?" He tilted his head.

"Here." George helped make sure the vision was in place before clipping it to dreams side.
"This should help.." he looked up at Dream.

Dream looked extremely happy.
"I really don't deserve all these gifts.." he interlocked his fingers together.
"You don't need to give me all these gifts."

"You do." George cupped dreams cheeks, nodding his head softly.
"I just hope you like the gifts." He felt excited.

"I really do!" Dream wrapped his arms around George..  hugging him.
"You are amazing.." He was excited.

George was shocked as Dream held him close.
"I'm glad." He smiled.. briefly hugging Dream back.

Dream easily picked George up, holding him in the air.
"Thank you so much!" He smiled happily.

George jumped, looking down at Dream.
"Jesus.. you have so much strength but you don't know how to use it." He rested his hands on dreams chest.

Dream had a puzzled look.. what did that mean?

George shook his head.. it wasn't a bad thing.
"Don't mind me, just admiring you." He cupped dreams cheeks.
"All I'm saying is you're strong."

Dream carried George back towards the carriage, placing him down at the ledge.
"I really like this gift, I don't know how to repay you for it." He looked up at George.

George sat at the ledge, cupping dreams cheeks.
"I know exactly how." He leaned forward.

Dream was puzzled- but before he spoke- he was cut off.

.: At blades end we meet :. Dnf Genshin AuWhere stories live. Discover now