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George chuckled as he watched Dream make a pile of rocks.
"This is your idea??" He smiled.
"Playing with rocks?"

"Mhm." Dream continued stacking rocks.
"Yeah, I'm trying to distract myself- so I don't over step." He hummed.

"With what? Why do you think your gonna overstep..?" George tilted his head- what was Dream thinking.
"Is something on your mind is all?"

"I just have a lot of questions is all-" Dream frowned as his rock tower fell apart.
"But I don't want the questions to be rude in anyway-" he grumbled.
"I'm just curious."

"You can ask me questions Y'know." George nodded- he wanted Dream to be able to trust him.
"I'll answer them to an extent- some I can't."

Dream quickly smiled, adjusting himself.
"Thank god! These questions were eating away at me!" He sat in front of George.
"Now- which question to start with.."

George softly hummed- he was rather curious of the questions.
"Ask away." He nodded.
"I'm curious of the questions."

"So- where are you initially from?" Dream tilted his head.
"I don't think your from liyue or sumeru-" he was rather curious.
"You're too fancy for that."

"Well- my Back-round story is rather complicated-" George rubbed the back of his head.
"I only know a little as I raised myself most the years if that's easy enough to explain it."

"Oh.. are you an orphan?" Dreams gaze sorrowed, frowning.
"Sorry- I didn't mean to get into that-" he mumbled quietly.

"By my choice- yes." George nodded, leaning back against a rock.
"I was born in sumeru desert.. lived in the deserts of sumeru until I learned about...myself and was sent back to Fontaine."  He glanced at the water.

"Really?!" Dream quickly gasped, leaning forward.
"We're we raised in the same area?" He smiled.

"Err.. not exactly." George tapped his chin.
"There's... a long history behind that." He sighed.
"Very.. very long-"

"I wanna listen!" Dream wanted to know George's history... he always found it fascinating.
"I think it would be cool to learn about sumeru history- as I'm from sumeru~." He wanted to hear George more.

"I'll cut into it briefly..." George sighed- he barely knew the history himself.
"Well Years ago- the desert and the forest got along somewhat.. trades- and many more other gatherings- the usual.. but the scarlet king brought disaster into his kingdom as he was in search for more knowledge."
(I BARELY KNOW THE LORE- I'm going off what I remember ;))

Dream furrowed his brows.. what was that supposed to mean?

"The land was soon corrupted by forbidden Knowledge... driving our people into insanity and death.... That soon became the illness known as Elzar that quickly plagued the lands.... Slowly killing innocents and familys." George looked up at the rocky ceiling.
"Our king and princes tried to stay strong.. but forbidden knowledge couldn't be stopped from those who desperately seek it and was greedy." He interlocked his fingers.
"The scarlet king was about to fall and so would all our kingdoms.. but the archon from the forest came to help the king.... And since then-the scarlet king and sumerus archon had vanish since that event."

Dream sat quietly, listening to George's story... did this all really happen..?

"Soon people broke out in fights over the land.... The people who followed there dear archon stayed in the forest.. while the scarlet king followers were forced into the dry sandy tundra " George looked back at Dream.
"So.. I wouldn't say exactly the same place due to a certain someone.... There two completely different places in sumeru"

"How are they so different?" Dream spoke softly.
"Other then having different beliefs and rulers..?"

"Well.. sumeru is know as the land of wisdom and knowledge... so the academia made random laws and is filled with many seeking more and more..... while the desert.. it's practically lawless."  George rubbed the back of his neck.
"It's been years since I've been there." He frowned.

"How are you working for the fatui now...?" Dream scooched closer towards George.
"If you don't mind me asking- cause I don't see them needing to have to go to the desert."

"Well- I wasn't really supposed to be apart of the fatui in the beginning...when Fontaine didn't work out- the tsartisa welcomed me with open arms" George awkwardly looked away, tugging the collar of his shirt.
"And that drew a lot of attention from the higher ups in Fontaine and I was put on trial infront of the tsaritsa and hydro archon.. and just- it was a mess."

"You witnessed two archons ?!" Dreams eyes widened.
"Really?!?!" He gasped.

"I've seen many.. but for different reasons-... it was just business." George shrugged, looking down at his vision.
"That's how I got my cryo vision after that trial.... Not soon after I got my hydro one." He stretched his arms in front of him... staring at his dull hydro vision.

"Two visions.." Dream was kind of worried.. not for his safety- but others.
"Isn't it bad?!"

"Well- no....it's fine" George started to think of excuses.
"Just draining sometimes" he shrugged..
"Reasons very-."

"I see- well as long as you don't hurt yourself." Dream laid on the ground, his smile growing.
"I want to be healthy and live a long life." He looked at George.

"Don't worry... I'll definitely live a long life." George hummed, giving a light nod.
"But I have a question for you." He rested his hands on his lap.
"If that's alright- if not I won't."

"Oh! Yes!" Dream quickly sat up, feeling excited that George had a question for him.
"What's the question! I want to know!!" He got very excited.

"Why were you sent here instead of stay in sumeru...?" George tilted his head forward.
"There's a reason? Correct?" He looked at the blonde.
"If not I see-"

Dream soon sighed, nodding.
"Yeah, there's a reason-" he muttered.
"i was told that my family didn't think I would be smart enough at the academia to become a scholar and didn't want me to get in the way of there studies..... since I was too much to hassle with when I was born." He looked down at the ground.
"So i was sent here to practically be a servant for whatever that woman is..."

The blonde was clearly upset at the subject.

"No one wanted me there" Dream huffed, looking down at the ground as he cursed to himself.
"Not even my own parents-" he grumbled.

"That's not true Dream." George rested his hand on dreams cheek, turning his gaze up.
"Even though we just met a few days ago.. I want you." He nodded.
"You're my friend, you were the first to treat me so kindly... I appreciate it."

Dreams smile soon grew, feeling eternally happy.
"I don't see why you chose me out of anyone in the city." He looked down.
"There's far more.. rich and pretty folks around-"

"I don't care for them... I have the money i need and the most handsome fellow in front of me." George cupped dreams cheeks, humming a soft tune.
"I'm fine with this, as long as they will accept me in return." He nodded.

Dream quickly nodded, pulling George into a hug.
"I'll gladly accept them back!" He hugged George firmly.

George jumped but soon melted into the blondes grasp.... He felt at ease.
"Then- do you want to ask the dying question? Or shall I?" He tilted dreams head up.

Dream looked down at George, his smile growing.
"Well- if it's asking the most handsome fellow out... then yes- I'd like to ask." He rested his hands on the brunettes hips.

George adjusted himself, getting comfortable.
"If we do this.. it has to be a secret so your not endangered." He cupped dreams cheeks.
"The fatui aren't very nice."

"That's fine." Dream hummed before leaning forward.
"But~ will you be my boyfriend?" His smile grew.
"I'd appreciate it if you'd say yes."

"Yes, I will." George nodded.

"I will be your boyfriend."

Total word count: 1428

.: At blades end we meet :. Dnf Genshin AuWhere stories live. Discover now